Report on the situation of the Hungarian minority in Rumania (átd. kiad.)
The Hungarian minority's situation in Ceausescu's Romania / ed. Rudolf Joó ; rev. ed. Andrew Ludanyi ; transl. from Hungarian by Chris Tennant. - Boulder, Colo. : Social Science Monogr. ; Highland Lakes, NJ : Atlantic Research a. Publ. ; New York, [NY] : Columbia Univ. Press, 1994. - XVIII, 157 p. ; 23 cm. - (Atlantic studies on society in change ; 68.). (East European monographs ; 373.). - Jelentés a magyar kisebbség helyzetéről Romániában. - Eredeti cím: Report on the situation of the Hungarian minority in Rumania. - ISBN 0-88033-270-0
B 1, B 12, B 419