The "Hungarian National Bibliography. New Periodicals" (Magyar Nemzeti Bibliográfia. Új Periodikumok - MNB ÚP) was published from 1991 until 2001 monthly, in printed form. From 2002 the bibliography appears on the web only, with the same content and structure.
Entries of conference materials, exhibitions and series appear in the "Magyar Nemzeti Bibliográfia. Könyvek Bibliográfiája" (Hungarian National Bibliography. Bibliography of Books). The New Periodicals does not include the following types of materials: directories and registers, reports and workplans of different institutions, acquisitions lists of libraries, programme and entertainment guides (except the national and international ones), newsletters and satiric students' papers of primary and secondary schools, local advertising papers. Entries of these can be found in the IKB - Magyar Periodika Adatbázis (URL:
The main part of the New Periodicals consists of entries containing full bibliographic descriptions based on ISBD/S and specifications of KSZ/3 (Bibliographic Descriptions. Serials), and of title references linked to the entries. Non-Roman alphabet data are transliterated according to the Hungarian standard MSZ 3394-88 (Transliteration of Cyrillic characters into Latin characters) as well as to the ISO standards and recommendations. The bibliography gives the entries and title references in a single alphabetical listing. Numbering of the entries is independent and continuous within a year.
In keepking with the specifications of Hungarian standard MSZ 3440/3, the corporate name index contains the unified name of the corporate bodies (bold-faced type), the compulsory references linked to the name, and references to other forms of the names (italics), arranged alphabetically.
It contains the name of residence of the publisher, editor and others relevant, together with any references linked to these, also in alphabetical order.
The index contains not only the correct ISSNs for the publications, but also any ISSNs printed incorrectly of mistakenly in the publications, given in ISSN numerical order.
All index terms refer to the respective item numbers of the bibliographic entries.
Magyar Nemzeti Bibliográfia. Periodikumok (Hungarian National Bibliography. Serials), CD-ROM, ISSN 1416-5414
IKB - Magyar Periodika Adatbázis (IKB - Hungarian Database of Serials), online, URL:
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