Publications and presentations of staff members in 2013

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Boka, László

Boreczky, Anna

Dancs, Szabolcs

Ekler, Péter

Farkas, Gábor Farkas

Keller, Márkus

Lénárt, András

Mikusi, Balázs

Pap, Ágnes

Perger, Péter

Pojjákné Dr. Vásárhelyi, Judit

Tóth, Máté

Zsupán, Edina




Boka, László

Shorter writings, preface, article:

Foreword. In Bálint Kovács – Emese Pál (ed.), Far away from Mount Ararat. Armenian Culture in the Carpathian Basin. National Széchényi Library – Leipziger Universitatsverlag, Budapest - Leipzig, 2013, 5.


Boreczky, Anna

Lectures at conferences, events:

Picturing the Unknown. The Adventures of King Apollonius in the Realm of Imagination. Res Gestae – Res Pictae. Epen-Illustrationen des 13. bis 15. Jahrhunderts. Internationale Tagung. Wien, February 27 – March 1, 2013


Dancs, Szabolcs


Cultural Heritage under Copyright. Delivered at the Colloquium of Library Information Employees from the V4 Countries, “Accessing Digital Content:Mass Digitisation, E Legal Deposit, Copyright Matters – Experiences in National Libraries”, Budapest, November 25, 2013


Ekler Péter

Editing of a conference brochure:

Augustinus Moravus Olomucensis 500. International symposium to mark the 500th anniversary of the death of Augustinus Moravus Olomucensis (1467-1513). Budapest, National Széchényi Library, November 13, 2013. Ed. Péter Ekler, Institute for Literary Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences – National Széchényi Library – Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, 2013, 12.

Publication in a volume of studies:

Péter Ekler: Papias’ Ars and George of Trebizond’s Compendium: Two grammars based on the Institutiones grammaticae of Priscian. In: Byzanz und das Abendland: Begegnungen zwischen Ost und West. Herausgegeben von Erika Juhász, Eötvös József Collegium, Budapest, 2013, Antiquitas – Byzantium – Renascentia V – Bibliotheca Byzantina 1, 327-337.

Electronic publications:
(=Augustinus Moravus Olomucensis 500. International symposium to mark the 500th anniversary of the death of Augustinus Moravus Olomucensis (1467-1513). Budapest, National Széchényi Library, November 13, 2013. [Abstracts.])

Lectures at conferences, events:

“Olmützi Ágoston - Poetica, rhetorica, astronomia. (Data to the life and works of Ágoston Olmützi, Part 1.”  Academic Session, NSZL, Budapest, January 21, 2013 (20 mins)

“Georg Henisch (1549–1618): editor, translator and commentator of Greek and Latin authors.” Atelier doctoral Europa Humanistica, Rome, 6-8 août 2013 (Rome, August 8, 2013, 45 mins)

“Augustinus Moravus' De modo epistolandi. The Letters of Augustinus Moravus to Filippo Beroaldo and Cassandra Fedele.” Augustinus Moravus Olomucensis 500. International symposium to mark the 500th anniversary of the death of Augustinus Moravus Olomucensis (1467-1513). Budapest, National Széchényi Library, November 13, 2013 (20 mins)

“The 1513 Edition of Bessarion’s Two Works.” Byzanz und das Abendland / Byzance et l’occident II. Studia Byzantino-occidentalia. Eötvös-József-Collegium, Budapest / Collège Eötvös József, Budapest. Internationale Konferenz / Colloque International., November 25-29, 2013 / (November 28, 2013, 20mins)

Organization of a conference:

„Augustinus Moravus Olomucensis 500. International symposium to mark the 500th anniversary of the death of Augustinus Moravus Olomucensis (1467-1513).” Budapest, National Széchényi Library, November 13, 2013 (Organized in cooperation with Gábor Kiss Farkas)


Farkas, Gábor Farkas

Major lectures:

Chronica Hungarorum – First Printed Book in Hungary (Buda, 1473). Early Modern Print Culture in Central Europe, Wrocław, Seminar of the Academia Europaea, September 17, 2013


Keller, Márkus

Lectures at conferences, events:

Socialist modernity? An attempt at adapting classic modern architecture, made in Hungary at the end of the 1950s: Óbuda Experimental Housing Estate. Cities&Societies in Comparative Perspective. 11th International Conference on Urban History, Prague, August 29- September 1, 2012


Lénárt, András

Lectures at conferences, events:

Lecture entitled Challenges of secondary socio-historical analysis on sociological interviews at the Conference ‘Opening up Social History Repositories: New Technologies and New Methods’, September 25-27, 2013, CEU and International Association of Labour History Institutions (IALHI)


Mikusi, Balázs

Publication in a volume of studies:

Haydn’s “British Music Library” In: The Land of Opportunity: Joseph Haydn and Britain. Ed. Richard Chesser – David Wyn Jones, London, British Library, 2013, pp. 112–136.

Studies published in professional journals:

More than a copy: Joseph Haydn’s Menuet al roverso. = HAYDN: The Online Journal of the Haydn Society of North America 3/2. (Fall, 2013)

 “How many thousands of a lazy millionaire are tantamount to these hundred forints?” Clara Schumann’s donation to the National Conservatory in Pest. = Studia Musicologica 53/4. (September, 2012), pp. 459–485.

Critiques, reviews:

György Ligeti: Of Foreign Lands and Strange Sounds. Ed. Louise Duchesneau and Wolfgang Marx. = Fontes Artis Musicae, 60/1. (January-March, 2013), pp. 38–40.

Adam Gellen: Brahms und Ungarn: Biographische, rezeptionsgeschichtliche, quellenkritische und analytische Studien. = Notes 69/4. (March, 2013), pp. 544–546.

David Schulenberg: The Music of Wilhelm Friedemann Bach. = Fontes Artis Musicae 60/2. (April-June, 2013), 132–133.

Lectures at conferences, events:

Joseph Haydn’s Music Library. Lecture delivered at the Annual Conference of the International Association of Music Libraries (IAML), Vienna, July 28-August 2, 2013;

Joseph Haydn’s String Quartet Collection. Lecture held at the Conference entitled The String Quartet from 1750 to 1870: From the Private to the Public Sphere, Lucca, November 29-Deember 1, 2013


Pap, Ágnes

Electronic publications:

Lectures at conferences and events:

The correspondance between Umrao Singh Sher-Gil and Mari Jászai. = Amrita Sher-Gil - the Magyar connection. Symposium, January 29, 2013, New Delhi – HICC;

Addition to the portrait of scholar Umrao Singh Sher-Gil on the basis of his correspondence = Amrita Sher-Gil and Indian-Hungarian artistic relations. Hungarian Academy of Arts (MMA), November 4-5, 2013


Perger, Péter

Publication in a volume of studies:

The Armenian Types of Miklós M. Tótfalusi Kis. In: Far Away from Mount Ararat, Armenian Culture in the Carpathian Basin. Ed. Bálint Kovács -- Emese Pál, Budapest, National Széchényi Library – Leipziger Universitätverlag – Budapest History Museum, 2013, pp. 44—51.


Pojjákné Dr. Vásárhelyi, Judit

Lectures at conferences and events:

Szenci Molnár Albert szerepe az európai kálvinista fejedelemségek eszmei és politikai kapcsolatrendszerében (The role of Albert Szenci Molnár in the exchange of ideas and politics between the European Calvinist principalities.  Exchange of Information and Knowledge between Europe and Divided Hungary, 1541–1699. Budapest, Department of History at Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest, April 5, 2013


Tóth, Máté

Publication in a volume of studies:

Mobilized library services – what do we offer, what our users want? In: Proceedings of the 21st BOBCATSSS Symposium, Ankara, January 23-25, 2013;

The university library website as a virtual study environment In: Máté Tóth – Alexandra Szalacsi; Hargadon, S., Hirsch, S. (Ed.), Library 2.013 Worldwide Virtual Conference. October 18-19, 2013.

Scientific lectures at Hungarian and international events:

Mobilized library services – what do we offer, what our users want? 21st BOBCATSSS Symposium, Ankara, January 23-25, 2013;

The university library website as a virtual study environment. Máté Tóth – Alexandra Szalacsi; Library 2.013 Worldwide Virtual Conference, October 18-19, 2013;

The Enumerate project. Networkshop, March 26-28, 2013.


Zsupán, Edina

Professional lector:

Dániel Kiss, A Renaissance Manuscript of Catulus, Tibullus and Propertius: Budapest, National Széchényi Library, Codex Latinus Medii Aevi 137 and Cologny, Bibliotheca Bodmeriana, Ms. Bodmer 141 = Acta Antiqua Hung. 2012/52, pp 249-271.