Our recently published volume focuses on the art historical correlations of image making and reception. Illustrated press is a less known segment of the history of 19th-century media. Its study is a typically interdisciplinary field, being one of the hottest topics of culture research and modern image research.
Jointly with Argumentum Publishing House, National Széchényi Library recently published a new book by Emese Révész entitled Image, press, history. Illustrated press in Hungary between 1850 and 1870.
Illustrated press is a less known segment of the history of 19th-century media. Its study is a typically interdisciplinary field, being one of the hottest topics of culture research and modern image research. This volume focuses on the art historical correlations of image making and reception. The main question the author wishes to answer is whether an illustration published in press owns a special image character or not. How does it relate to high art (to academic and drawing room culture), to the renewing branch of print graphics and, on the other hand, to popular image industry producing a great volume of images? By what kind of strategies and techniques does it fulfill its “intervisual”, culture transmitting role? In her interpretations, the author is looking for answers from the perspectives of mediality and representation. She presents the development as well as the technical and economic background of the new type of Hungarian image press of the 19th century. It is shown how the images published in the Hungarian press help form cultural symbols and national identity. The volume takes its readers into this world, by a whole lot of illustrations yet to be explored.
Data of the volume
Emese Révész: Image, press, history. Illustrated press in Hungary between 1850 and 1870
Published by National Széchényi Library and Argumentum Publishing House (Res Libraria IV.)
ISBN 978 963 200 642 0
Price: HUF 3,950
The book is available in the Bookshop of NSZL, or it can be ordered from the Office of New Publications of NSZL at the following contact:
Tímea Budai-Király, Office of New Publications of the Directorate of Research and Academic Affairs, National Széchényi Library; Buda Castle, Building “F”; H-1827 Budapest; Tel.: + 361 224 3878, Fax: + 361 224 3744, e-mail: kiadvanytar@oszk.hu.
[1] https://oszk.hu/sites/default/files/Kep-sajto-tortenelem.jpg
[2] https://oszk.hu/en/category/foszotar-es-pozicionalo/hirek