His Excellency Dr. Vilayat Guliyev, Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Hungary paid a visit to National Széchényi Library on April 25, 2016. The aim of his visit was to present a large national atlas of Azerbaijan published in 2014 to our collection.
His Excellency Dr. Vilayat Guliyev, Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Hungary paid a visit to National Széchényi Library on April 25, 2016. The philologist-historian diplomat authored several books and three monographs. Main areas of his research include 19th and 20th century literature and their relations, as well as contemporary literary and cultural trends. The aim of His Excellency’s visit was to present a large national atlas of Azerbaijan published in 2014 to our collection.
[2]During his visit to NSZL, His Excellency was received by Director-General Dr. László Tüske in his office, where they briefly discussed possible areas of cooperation between the national libraries of the two countries. Then Dr. Vilayat Guliyev visited NSZL’s Collection of Early Printed Books where he had a look at the so-called Corvina copy of Thúróczy Chronicle and the first printed map of Hungary, the so-called Tabula Hungariae. After that, he was provided with general information about the Map Collection. Finally, His Excellency visited the recently opened chamber exhibition of NSZL’s Map Collection, which commemorates the 250th anniversary of the birth of János Lipszky [3].
[1] https://oszk.hu/sites/default/files/azeri-latogatas.jpg
[2] https://oszk.hu/sites/default/files/milli-atlas.jpg
[3] http://www.oszk.hu/en/exhibitions/map-making-hussar-officer
[4] https://www.flickr.com/photos/nemzetikonyvtar/sets/72157667031717640
[5] https://oszk.hu/en/category/foszotar-es-pozicionalo/hirek