Preparing for procreation, the elephant goes East, near Paradise where mandrake is growing. The female animal eats from the fruit and she offers it to her mate. While he is eating, she seduces him and gets pregnant. The baby is born in water where her enemy, the dragon cannot attack her. – Bestiarium Zircense takes up the last sixteen pages of a bulky medieval book. The facsimile edition describing real and imaginary beings will be presented in Zirc in October 13, 2016.
[1]Bestiarium Zircense, a facsimile edition was published jointly by National Széchényi Library and the Cistercian Abbey of Zirc. The book contains an original-size facsimile of the Bestiary of a 15th-century manuscript taken from the Cistercian Abbey of Zirc to National Széchényi Library. The first book presentation to be held in Zirc will start at 4 p.m. on October 13, 2016. The event will be followed by several other presentations at various sites.
The book will be presented by ethologist Vilmos Csányi [2], ordinary member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, who will have a discussion with art historian Dr. Anna Boreczky, editor of the book on the medieval tradition of moralizing animal stories, the characteristics of illustrations, and on issues related to the onetime use of Bestiarium Zircense.
[3]Guests will be greeted by Cistercian Abbot Árpád Sixtus Dékány and Dr. László Boka, Director of Research and Academic Affairs, National Széchényi Library.
Date: 4 p.m. on October 13, 2016
Venue: Cistercian Historic Library of National Széchényi Library, Zirc – Ceremonial Hall
1 Rákóczi Square, H-8420 Zirc
Invitation card [4]
About the book: Bestiarium Zircense
Facsimile edition from NSZL codex Ref. No. Cod. Lat. 506, with a preface by Anna Boreczky
Budapest, NSZL, 2016