His Excellency Gholam-Ali Rajabi Yazdi, Ambassador of The Islamic Republic of Iran in Hungary visited our Library in order to have a look at the Persian manuscripts kept in NSZL. Staff members of Tehran National TV accompanied him on his visit.
It is not generally known that the collection of National Széchényi Library contains several exotic Eastern manuscripts including ancient Persian manuscripts as well. His Excellency Gholam-Ali Rajabi Yazdi, Ambassador of The Islamic Republic of Iran in Hungary visited our Library just for the sake of having a look at the Persian manuscripts kept in NSZL. Staff members of Tehran National TV accompanied him on his visit. Director of NSZL’s Special Collection Ferenc Földesi presented His Excellency and his delegation the afore-mentioned manuscripts, including a copy of the New Testament in Persian and ornate books containing works by 15th-century Persian scholar and poet Nur ad-Din Abd ar-Rahman Jami. Filmmakers, arriving in the framework the Iranian-Hungarian cultural agreement, made presentation films not only about the exotic manuscripts but also on National Széchényi Library.
[1] https://oszk.hu/sites/default/files/irani-nagykov-latog-2017-01.JPG
[2] https://oszk.hu/en/category/foszotar-es-pozicionalo/hirek