Research of a mysterious Persian manuscript discovered in Pannonhalma will be presented by the next, April lecture of Season 4 of cultural historical series entitled “Orientalits in NSZL”. As part of the series featuring internationally renowned Hungarian researchers into the East, the lecture will be delivered by Éva Jeremiás, Iranist, professor emerita of Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE).
Research of a mysterious Persian manuscript discovered in Pannonhalma will be presented by the next, April lecture of Season 4 of cultural historical series entitled “Orientalits in NSZL”. As part of the series featuring internationally renowned Hungarian researchers into the East, the lecture will be delivered by Éva Jeremiás, Iranist, professor emerita of Eötvös Loránd University (ELTE).
Hafez (1315-1390) is the most famous poet of classic Persian literature and his manuscript legacy surpasses that of anyone else. The manuscript kept in Pannonhalma dates back to 1501/2. The modest looking paper codex is a relatively early copy. However, its main value lies in the role it has been playing in the reception of Hafez. According to possessor entries, it may have been used by the professors and students of Vienna-based Orientalische Akademie (today’s Diplomatenakademie) from the end of the 18th century. The numerous entries visible at the edge of the sheets reveal that readers of the manuscript must have known the various European Hafez editions, above all, Károly Reviczky’s very first Hafez volume (Vindobonae 1771), which came complete with a Latin translation. The lecture will focus on the history of 18th-19th century European Orientalism, with special emphasis on the role played by Hafez.
Date: Wednesday April 10, 5 p.m.
Venue: National Széchényi Library, Wing “F” of Buda Royal Palace, 4–5–6 Szentgyörgy Square, H-1014 Budapest
Free admission to the program
Poster of the event series [1] (in Hungarian)
Orientalists in NSZL [2]– lecture series