On 17 April 2024, the National Library hosted the 2024 General Assembly of Hungary of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML), where the Head of the Music Collection of the NSZL gave a presentation to the audience.
On 17 April 2024, the National Library hosted the 2024 General Assembly of Hungary of the International Association of Music Libraries, Archives and Documentation Centres (IAML) [2], where the Head of the Music Collection of the NSZL gave a presentation to the audience.
As part of the programme accompanying the professional assembly, László Vikárius, music historian and head of the Bartók Archive of the Institute of Musicology, first gave a report on the Monographic Archives of Fin-de-siècle Composers conference in Locarno, followed by a presentation on the IAML 2023 Congress by Éva Kelemen, music historian and former staff member of the Music Collection.
Boglárka Illyés, cultural historian and Head of the Music Collection [7] of the NSZL, gave a presentation entitled Old and New Treasures from the 100-year-old Music Collection, followed by a welcome speech by Katalin Szerző, retired co-director, who recalled her memories of the Music Collection.
The day concluded with a visit to the NSZL's latest temporary exhibition, The Forms of Time. [8]
[1] https://oszk.hu/sites/default/files/Kozgyules_AIBM_Magyar-Nemzeti-Csoport_240417_11.jpg
[2] https://www.iaml.info/
[3] https://oszk.hu/sites/default/files/Kozgyules_AIBM_Magyar-Nemzeti-Csoport_240417_02.jpg
[4] https://oszk.hu/sites/default/files/Kozgyules_AIBM_Magyar-Nemzeti-Csoport_240417_03.jpg
[5] https://oszk.hu/sites/default/files/Kozgyules_AIBM_Magyar-Nemzeti-Csoport_240417_04.jpg
[6] https://oszk.hu/sites/default/files/Kozgyules_AIBM_Magyar-Nemzeti-Csoport_240417_05.jpg
[7] https://www.oszk.hu/en/music_collection
[8] https://www.oszk.hu/en/exhibitions/forms-time_240411-0713
[9] https://oszk.hu/sites/default/files/Kozgyules_AIBM_Magyar-Nemzeti-Csoport_240417_09.jpg
[10] https://oszk.hu/sites/default/files/Kozgyules_AIBM_Magyar-Nemzeti-Csoport_240417_07.jpg
[11] https://oszk.hu/sites/default/files/Kozgyules_AIBM_Magyar-Nemzeti-Csoport_240417_10.jpg
[12] https://oszk.hu/sites/default/files/Kozgyules_AIBM_Magyar-Nemzeti-Csoport_240417_17.jpg
[13] https://oszk.hu/sites/default/files/Kozgyules_AIBM_Magyar-Nemzeti-Csoport_240417_13.jpg
[14] https://oszk.hu/sites/default/files/Kozgyules_AIBM_Magyar-Nemzeti-Csoport_240417_22.jpg
[15] https://oszk.hu/en/category/foszotar-es-pozicionalo/hirek
[16] https://oszk.hu/en/category/foszotar-es-pozicionalo/hirek-cimlapon