On the occasion of her visit to Budapest, the Greek poetess Stella Petridou visited the National Library of Foreign Literature and viewed the exhibitions of the national library.
On the occasion of her visit to Budapest, the Greek poetess Stella Petridou visited the National Library of Foreign Literature and viewed the exhibitions of the national library.
On the occasion of his stay in Hungary, the artist, who is successful in her home country, and who is also engaged in poetry, prose and songwriting, visited the OIK on 19 April 2024, where she was accompanied by István Horváth, acting director, and Alexandra Pancsosz, head of the Department of Nationality Document Supply. Among other things, the poet was able to get acquainted with the OIK collection, especially the Greek collection.
We also welcomed Stella Petridu to the NSZL, where she was received by Judit Gerencsér, Deputy Director General and Zoltán Lewalt-Jezierski, Head of the Director General's Cabinet. During the tour of the building, our guest visited the permanent exhibition Essence [2], the Land of Poems exhibition [3], as well as our latest exhibition, The Forms of Time. [4]
Stella Petridou's works are published in anthologies, print and electronic literary journals. His literary and musical works have been awarded several prizes in Greek and international literary and artistic competitions. To date, she has published twelve volumes of poetry and one novel, as well as six music albums and three singles. She is a founding member and president of the Aegean Writers' Union, the creator and editor-in-chief of the electronic arts magazine Texnes OnLine [9], and also runs a personal blog, Lyrides [10]. She is an active officer in the Lesbos Coast Guard and mother of three children.
The cooperation with Stella Petridu started last year. Last year, the OIK [15]also launched a call for literary translators who have not yet published a book of their own works. Last year, the jury was looking for a Hungarian translation of the Greek poet's poem Astegos [16]. The 18th edition of the literary translation competition ended last September. The jury awarded three prizes and one special prize, and at the award ceremony on 22 September 2023, Stella Petridou congratulated the winners in a video message. As a follow-up to the cooperation, the poetess donated to the OIK a copy of all her published works [17] and a copy of the latest anthology of the Aegean Writers' Union.
[1] https://oszk.hu/sites/default/files/Sztella-Petridu_gorog-koltono_latogatasa_240419_01.jpg
[2] https://www.oszk.hu/en/permanent/first-comprehensive-permanent-exhibition-essence
[3] https://www.oszk.hu/en/exhibitions/land-poems-hymn-appeal-national-song-our-emblematic-poems
[4] https://oszk.hu/en/exhibitions/forms-time_240411-0713
[5] https://oszk.hu/sites/default/files/Sztella-Petridu_gorog-koltono_latogatasa_240419_10.jpg
[6] https://oszk.hu/sites/default/files/Sztella-Petridu_gorog-koltono_latogatasa_240419_05.jpg
[7] https://oszk.hu/sites/default/files/Sztella-Petridu_gorog-koltono_latogatasa_240419_07.jpg
[8] https://oszk.hu/sites/default/files/Sztella-Petridu_gorog-koltono_latogatasa_240419_06.jpg
[9] https://www.texnesonline.gr/
[10] https://lyrides.blogspot.com/
[11] https://oszk.hu/sites/default/files/Sztella-Petridu_gorog-koltono_latogatasa_240419_13.jpg
[12] https://oszk.hu/sites/default/files/Sztella-Petridu_gorog-koltono_latogatasa_240419_12.jpg
[13] https://oszk.hu/sites/default/files/Sztella-Petridu_gorog-koltono_latogatasa_240419_14.jpg
[14] https://oszk.hu/sites/default/files/Sztella-Petridu_gorog-koltono_latogatasa_240419_15.jpg
[15] https://oik.oszk.hu/web/guest
[16] https://oik.oszk.hu/documents/10136/971d3e49-7f2d-4e3d-ad2d-1495ef669e52
[17] https://opac3.oik.oszk.hu/en_GB/record/-/record/auth/oik-goliat1846718
[18] https://oszk.hu/en/category/foszotar-es-pozicionalo/hirek
[19] https://oszk.hu/en/category/foszotar-es-pozicionalo/hirek-cimlapon