Orientalists in NSZL – The fourth season is starting

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The fourth season of the lecture series entitled “Orientalists in NSZL” will begin with a ceremonial lecture. January speaker of the series featuring internationally renowned representatives of Hungarian research into the East will be orientalist and historian of religion Róbert Simon, who is also a translator of the Quran and several other Eastern texts of religious history, and an expert in the development of Islam.

Title of the lecture: “The birth of a world religion and world empire - the genesis of Islam”

Date and venue of the event: January 30, 2019, 5 p.m., National Széchényi Library, Ceremonial Hall on Floor 6

Major works by Róbert Simon

  • Korán. Translated by Róbert Simon. Prométheusz Könyvek 17. Bp., Helikon, 1987. 498 pp
  • Ignác Goldziher. His Life and Scholarship as Reflected in his Works and Correspondence. Bp., Library of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences – Leiden, E. J. Brill, 1986
  • Ibn Khaldún. Történelemtudomány és birodalmiság. Kőrösi Csoma Kiskönyvtár 25. Bp., Akadémiai Kiadó, 1999
  • A vallástörténet klasszikusai. Szöveggyűjtemény portrévázlatokkal; Edited by Róbert Simon; Osiris, Bp., 2003
  • Iszlám kulturális lexikon; Corvina, Bp., 2009
  • Mání és a fény vallása. A manicheizmus forrásai; Compiled by Róbert Simon, Edited by Róbert Simon, Monika Simon-Pesthy; Corvina, Bp., 2011
  • Etűdök a halálról. Túlvilági utazás a mazdaizmusban és az iszlámban; Corvina, Bp., 2013 (Keleti források)
  • Az iszlám fundamentalizmus. Gyökerek és elágazások Mohamedtől az al-Qá'idáig; Corvina, Bp., 2014 (Keleti források)
  • Politika az iszlámban. A muszlim társadalom anatómiája; Corvina, Bp. 2016
  • Buddha vagy Jézus? Barlaam és Joszaphát a vallások keresztútján; Corvina, Bp. 2017

About the series

Main aim of the lectures, discussions and book presentations, to be held once in a month and starting at 5 p.m. on Wednesdays, is to provide the general public with state-of-the-art knowledge on issues covering various fields and periods, and on the latest research results by lectures delivered by internationally renowned Hungarian researchers.
Cultural historical series entitled Orientalists in NSZL, presenting various fields and results of Hungarian research into the East, has been edited by László Tüske, Director-General of NSZL, Arabist, professor of Pázmány Péter Catholic University.