
Propaganda – book presentation


National Széchényi Library cordially invites you and your friends to the presentation of a book entitled Propaganda – politika, hétköznapi és magas kultúra, művészet és média a Nagy Háborúban (Propaganda Politics, Everyday and High Culture, Art and Media in the Great War), edited by Iván Bertényi, Jr., László Boka and Anikó Katona. The event will start at 4 p.m. on Monday December 12, 2016.

Research 2.0 – book presentation


With the participation of Tibor Koltay and László Z. Karvalics, authors of the book entitled Research 2.0, book presentation will be held in National Széchényi Library. The event will start at 2 p.m. on Monday December 5, 2016 in the Reading Room of KSZK, the Library of Book History, Library and Information Science. Hosts of the event are KSZK and the Section of Social Science Librarians of the Association of Hungarian Librarians. (Venue: Wing “F” of Buda Royal Palace, Floor 7)

Translation, Interpretation, Explanation – Scientific Session


National Széchényi Library has held its annual scientific sessions since 2000. As part of the national library tradition, the event takes place on the foundation anniversary of NSZL. This year marks the 214th anniversary of the foundation of National Széchényi Library, and, in addition to the internal commemoration ceremony, a public program will also be offered for those interested.

Bestiarium Zircense – book presentation in Veszprém


Bestiarium Zircense, a facsimile edition was published jointly by National Széchényi Library and the Cistercian Abbey of Zirc. The book contains an original-size facsimile of the Bestiary of a 15th-century manuscript taken from the Cistercian Abbey of Zirc to National Széchényi Library. Presentation of the book in Veszprém will start at 5 p.m. on Tuesday November 15, 2016.

Visitors from Kazakhstan



On November 7, 2016, a delegation of leaders of the National Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan paid a professional visit to National Széchényi Library.

Patria Nostra



National Széchényi Library, Dunatáj Foundation and Balassi Publishing House invite you and your friends to a film screening and book presentation to be held in the Ceremonial Hall of NSZL on Floor 6 of the building. The event will start at 5 p.m. on Thursday November 17, 2016.

Film screening will be followed by presentation of the book based on the author’s research.

Guests from Bulgaria



On November 3, 2016, Director-General of the St. St. Cyril and Methodius National Library of Bulgaria and her deputy paid a professional visit to National Széchényi Library.

Book thefts, protection methods and book manipulations


We are looking forward to seeing you and your friends at our roundtable discussion held in the Ceremonial Hall of NSZL on November 8, 2016, with the participation of collectors, antiquarians and librarians.


  • Lajos Borda (Borda Antique Books)
  • Péter Buzinkay (Forster Centre, Inspectorate of Cultural Goods)
  • Farkas Gábor Farkas (National Széchényi Library)


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