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Library of Book History, Library and Information Science
Library of Book History, Library and Information Science (Hungarian abbreviation: KSZK) uses information and knowledge, owned by its collection and staff, to serve the needs of users including practicing librarians, researchers, librarian professors and students as well as other people who are just interested in the subject. What do we offer? KSZK offers a well-processed collection of works on book history and library and information science, custom-tailored information services, access to professional databases and free use of the Internet.

Register of Public Libraries
Law No. CXL of 1997 prescribes that a register of public libraries in Hungary should be maintained. As ordered by Government Decree No. 120/2014. (April 08), Hungarian Library Institute cooperates in performing tasks related to the maintenance of Public Library Register.

Database of Libraries in Hungary
The register of libraries in Hungary, which includes data of nearly 3,000 libraries. The database makes it possible to search according to basic data and geographical location. At the same time, it also serves as a search surface of the Register of Public Libraries.

Statistical data of libraries in Hungary

Standards and regulations
Here you can download specifications, regulations, guides and guidelines.

Database of Children’s Literature
It is a recommending bibliographical database which contains the best of children’s literature published in Hungarian, with brief annotations, providing a useful guide for parents, nursery school teachers, school teachers and children readers to get help in the “labyrinth” of books for children and youngsters.

Könyvtáros Ki Kicsoda (Librarians’ “Who is Who”)
It contains data of Hungarian librarian colleagues in and outside Hungary, who work (or worked but retired) as librarians/IT specialists, or are active in the field of librarian education, press for the librarians, or are employed by a professional authority. Data are given as full as possible but, at the same time, with an utmost care, taking into consideration legal regulations on data protection and personal privacy.

Excess item service
Reduction, disposal and building of library stock are supported by the excess item service. There is a webpage where libraries can publish their excess-item lists and can offer the documents on these lists for further use in other libraries

Library building – interiors
This site shows everything that happened in the field of library building, reconstruction and modernization in the past 25 to 30 years in Hungary. It is also a guide to everyone who, in the future, will have an opportunity to build a new library or to modernize the existing one. Last but not least, information on this page can help you with the purchase of new library furniture and equipment.

Library press

Könyv, Könyvtár, Könyvtáros (Book, Library, Librarian)
Könyv, Könyvtár, Könyvtáros (popular and useful Hungarian abbreviation: 3K) was launched in 1992 as a sequel, but not as a cessionary, of the journal entitled Könyvtáros (Librarian), which ceased to exist just about then.
It is a journal publishing medium-length studies, articles and reviews which can be understood by every librarian and it discusses the latest, major and important phenomena (but not any event). 3K presents and analyzes the latest library trends and discusses problems of common interest.

Könyvtári Figyelő (Library Review)
Professional journal Könyvtári Figyelő was launched back in 1955. It publishes studies, surveys, book reviews, translations and abstracts. Its aim is to present the development of Hungarian library science and community and also to publish the results of development and surveys made by National Széchényi Library and Hungarian Library Institute. In addition to this, Könyvtári Figyelő gives information on novelties published in international library literature, based on the rich collection of foreign books and periodicals stored in the Library of Book History, Library and Information Science.

Bibliography of the Hungarian professional literature for librarians
It is a national professional bibliography. Coming out in bi-annual booklets, it covers the entire professional literature of the topic, regardless of the type of document in which relevant information can be found. Titles come in topic clusters, with an alphabetical and subject index. With the exception of monographs, the total content of the booklets for the period 1986 to 2006 can also be found in database dubbed MANCI. After that period, processing is being made in database called HUMANUS. As of issues published in 2005, the publication went online.


Search in the database
Database processing library and IT journals of several countries of the world. In 2011, its earliest items dated back to 1970; currently, it processes some 144 professional journals, more than 100 out of which (1,500 year volumes) can be accessed in full text, including even the latest copies.

Information related to the use of EBSCO databases in Hungary. Nation-wide coordination tasks related to databases are carried out by the Hungarian Library Institute.