- The joint Reading Room of the Manuscript Collection, the Early Printed Book Collection, the Map, Poster and Small Print Collection and the Theatre History and Music Collection
(floor 6, the former Theatre History and Music Collection Reading Room)
Opening hours:
- Tuesday–Thusday: 10 am–6 pm
- Friday–Saturday: 9 am–7 pm
Advance seat reservation
Document preparation and reference service
Opening hours:
- Tuesday–Thusday: 10 am–6 pm
- Friday: 9 am–7 pm
Advance seat reservation
Document preparation and reference service
The joint Reading Room of the Manuscript Collection,
the Early Printed Book Collection,
the Map, Poster and Small Print Collection
and the Theatre History and Music Collection
(floor 6, the former Theatre History and Music Collection Reading Room)
Opening hours:
- Tuesday–Thusday: 10 am–6 pm
- Friday–Saturday: 9 am–7 pm
Documents in the Special Collections can still only be consulted with a reader pass valid for at least one month, and a daily pass is only valid for consulting the catalogues and the open shelves.
Advance seat reservation:
- In the Reading Rooms of the Special Collections, we can only offer research opportunities to our readers after prior seat reservation.
- If you would like to reserve a seat in the shared Reading Room (15 seats) of the Manuscript Collection, the Early Printed Book Collection, the Map, Poster and Small Print Collection, the Theatre History and Music Collection, please send an e-mail to helyfoglalas.kulongyujtemenyek@oszk.hu.
- Please make your reservation at least 24 hours prior your planned visit, if possible.
- If you cannot come despite your reservation, please let us know so that we can allocate the free seat to someone else.
- We will respond to all booking requests, but out-of-hours emails will only be processed the next working day.
- If possible, please include your telephone contact details in your e-mail request, so that our staff can contact you more efficiently.
Document preparation:
- We limit the number of documents that can be requested at the same time, so please always consult a member of the reader service.
- Requests for document preparation are welcome until 4:30 pm on the day before your scheduled visit during the week and until 1 pm on Friday for Saturday.
Reference Service:
- The Reference Service in the reading room is available until 16.30 on weekdays and until 14.00 on Fridays.
- For information on manuscript documents in the Manuscript Collection, please contact manuscriptum@oszk.hu,
or call(+36-1) 224 3890, (+36-1) 224 3830, (+36-1) 224 3729, (+36-1) 487 8656.
- For information on the documents in the Early Printed Book Collection, please contact regikonyv@oszk.hu,
or call (+36-1) 224 3700/776.
- For information on the map collection of the Map, Poster and Small Print Collection, please contact terkep@oszk.hu,
or call (+36 1) 224 3700/353.
- For information on the theatre history collection in the Theatre History and Music Collection, please contact szinhaz@oszk.hu,
or call (+36-1) 224 3780.
- For information on the music collection in the Theatre History and Music Collection, please contact zene@oszk.hu,
or call (+36-1) 224 3778.
- For information on the poster and small print collections in the Map, Poster and Small Print Collection, please contact plakat@oszk.hu,
or call (+36-1) 487 8623.
Reading Room of the Historical Photography and Interview Collection
(floor 7, Chaple Hall):
Opening Hours:
- Tuesday–Thursday: 10 am–6 pm
- Friday: 9 am–7 pm
Documents in the Special Collections can still only be consulted with a reader pass valid for at least one month, and a daily pass is only valid for consulting the catalogues and the open shelves.
Advance seat reservation:
- In the Reading Rooms of the Special Collections, we can only offer research opportunities to our readers after prior seat reservation.
- Please make your reservation at least 24 hours before your planned visit, if possible.
- Requests and reservations from readers of the Historical Photograraphy and Interview Collection (4 seets) shpuld be submbmitted to fenykeptar@oszk.hu or interjutar@oszk.hu by 2 pm the day before the visit.
- If you cannot come despite your reservation, please let us know so that we can allocate the free seat to someone else.
- We will respond to all booking requests, but out-of-hours emails will only be processed the next working day.
- If possible, please include your telephone contact details in your e-mail request, so that our staff can contact you more efficiently.
- On arrival, staff in the Geenral Collection Reading Room will help you get to the research room (Chapel Hall).
Document preparation and reference service:
- For information on the photographic documents in the Historical Photography and Interview Collection, please contact fenykeptar@oszk.hu,
or call (+36-1) 487 8613.
- For information on the audiovisual collection in the Historical Photography and Interview Collection, please contact interjutar@oszk.hu,
or call (+36-1) 224 3710.
More information.