Applying for an ISSN


When launching a new serial publication or changing a title, a request for determination of the ISSN may be made in advance to the Hungarian ISSN National Centre:

Magyar ISSN Nemzeti Központ
Országos Széchényi Könyvtár
Budavári Palota F épület, 411., 413. szoba


  • administrator (Ms. Erika Szabó): 22 43 754
  • group head (Mrs. Elizabeth Gazdag): 22 43 842
  • department head (Mrs. Aniko Nagy): 22 43 763

Fax: 22 43 754, 20 20 804



When applying for an ISSN:

  • in the case of periodicals, a copy of the decision issued by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage must be attached;
  • in the case of serials and other periodical publications, a copy is required of the data sources of the publication in preparation (title-page, cover, imprint, endleaf, etc.);
  • in the case of serial publications to be issued in the Internet, the URL address of the publication must also given in the application (if the URL is to be decided later, this must be communicated as soon as it is known).
    Assignment of the ISSN in advance means that the identifier can be displayed in the first issue of the serial publication. The ISSN is validated when the serial publication appears, after receipt of the deposit copies (in the case of online publications, after access on the World Wide Web).
  • if the publisher requests determination of the ISSN for an already existing serial publication, both the first and most recent issues of the publication must be attached, or if these are not available, a copy of the data sources of the units concerned.