
Discount book sales



During the Scientific Session, the Family Day and the finals of János Arany reciting competition, discount books sales will be held in National Széchényi Library.

Roundtable discussion on the Hungarian Film History Photo Collection of NSZL


On November 15, 2017, there will be a film history roundtable discussion in FilmesHáz (Film House), Budapest with the participation of film historian László Kelecsényi, and photographers Ferenc Markovics and Magda B. Müller.

Date of the event: November 15, 2017, 6 p.m.

Venue of the event:  FilmesHáz Galéria (Film House Gallery), 31/K Ráday Street, H-1092 Budapest

Scientific session



National Széchényi Library will hold its traditional scientific conference on November 23 and 24, 2017, related to the János Arany bicentenary and the 215th anniversary of the foundation of the Hungarian national library.

Book trade and library partnerships – conference


A conference entitled Book trade and library partnerships will be held in National Széchényi Library by the Department of Research and Organization Development of the Hungarian Library Institute. You and your friends are cordially invited to the introductory lecture of the symposium entitled Libraries beyond the comfort zone. After the keynote speech, representatives of library provider Könyvtárellátó Nonprofit Kft. and book traders Libri-Bookline Zrt. and Líra Könyv Zrt. will share their experience with the audience.

Ex libris conference in Poland


Our colleague, staff member of NSZL Dr. Kornélia Vas-Tóth will deliver a lecture at a scientific conference entitled Ex libris: mark of ownership – piece of art in Cracow, Poland on November 15, 2017.

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