Display of the ISSN


The ISSN is displayed in two groups of four digits, separated by a hyphen and preceded by the acronym ISSN. For example:
ISSN 0251-1479
ISSN 1050-124X

This identifier must be displayed on each part-unit of the serial publication.
If a barcode is used, both identifiers (barcode and numeric code) must figure in the publication.

The ISSN is placed in the different types of publications as follows:

  • in newspapers, in the masthead or the colophon, among the imprint data;
  • in periodicals, yearbooks and other periodical publications, in the upper right corner of the cover or the title-page, or in the colophon, among the imprint data;
  • in the case of publications belonging in series, near the series title (on the title-page, endleaf, cover) or in the colophon, among the imprint data;
  • in the case of a non-print medium, on the parts of the publication visible to the naked eye; in the case of electronic publications on the homepage.