
Zirc-based Cistercian Historic Library opened its doors again


On Saturday June 20, 2020, the Cistercian Historic Library of National Széchényi Library opened its doors again to tourists.
As of Tuesday June 23, readers can also visit the library again.

The Organizational and Operational Rules of NSZL are renewed



The new Organizational and Operational Rules (OOR) of NSZL have entered into force. At the same time, we publish the situation analysis and concept underpinning the new OOR, Dávid Rózsa’s application for the position of Director-General of National Széchényi Library.

Information for Readers – #azOSZKújraVár (NSZL waits for you again)



In line with Government Decree No. 279/2020. (VI. 13.), National Széchényi Library and its Library of Book History, Library and Information will open their doors to readers, in compliance with epidemiological rules due to the coronavirus situation as of Tuesday June 16, 2020.

Several of our services are available again



The Hungarian national library will gradually restart its services that have been suspended due to the epidemic situation.

100 books on Trianon in the Hungarian Electronic Library


Bouquet of Hungary by Rezső Vértes (Miklós Zeidler, Hungarian Irredenta Cult between the Two World Wars, cover detail)


On the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the signing of the Treaty of Trianon, National Széchényi Library will commemorate the event with one hundred digitized publications throughout the year.

The order interface of Mikes Kelemen Program has been renewed



The order interface of Mikes Kelemen Program, now in its seventh year, has been renewed.

Organized by the State Secretariat for National Policy, National Széchényi Library and the National Archives of Hungary, the program was launched on January 1, 2014, in line with the ideas worded in the Final Declaration of the 3rd Meeting of the Diaspora Council.

World War II was over 75 years ago - a documentary from NSZL



Under the title The War is Over, National Széchényi Library just published a documentary made by its Collection of Historical Interviews 15 years ago. Guided by expert historian Mária Ormos, the film presents what happened in Hungary in the spring of 1945, by pictures of period newsreels, excerpts from life interviews and via personal stories of witnesses.

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