
The fate of old books


Initiated by the Working Committee on Book History of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and the Editorial Board of Magyar Könyvszemle (Hungarian Book Review), National Széchényi Library will hold a roundtable discussion on old books with the participation of collectors, antiquarians and bibliographers on March 2, 2016, at 3 p.m., in the Ceremonial Hall of the Library on Floor 6.

Participants of the discussion will be:

Chapters from the history of Italian-Hungarian heritage, Part 2


In the first quarter of 2016, National Széchényi Library will organize a free series of screenings of films which were presented at the Hungarian Pavilion of Expo Milano 2015. Katalin Pethényi and Barna Kabay made a series of documentaries, consisting of ten episodes, in order to present some of the milestones of Italian-Hungarian cultural relations. The 11th episode, presenting the oeuvre of Mikós Ybl, was made by Bence Gyöngyössy.

Ex libris and image culture


You are cordially invited to the presentation ceremony of a new book by Kornélia Vas-Tóth, entitled Ex libris and image culture. Modern Hungarian ex librises.

Image, press, history


Jointly with Argumentum Publishing House, National Széchényi Library recently published a new book by Emese Révész entitled Image, press, history. Illustrated press in Hungary between 1850 and 1870.

Library cloakroom at a new place



We would like to inform our readers and visitors that, as of February 2, 2016, the cloakroom of the Library was moved back to its original place, to the premises opening right from the main entrance.

Rules for the use of the cloakroom have not changed, it is compulsory and free.

Further information:

Maintenance of web server



On Monday February 1, 2016, during the early morning hours web server maintenance will be performed. We regret to inform you that during these hours, several of our websites including www.oszk.hu will not be available. We apologize for any inconvenience caused.


Our programs on the National Day of Hungarian Culture


Every year National Széchényi Library greets the birthday of Hungary’s major national relic by prestigious events and also by an Open Day for its visitors. This year our programs will focus on three important events.

The Hymn in Lenti

Propaganda – history, art and media in World War I (conference)


Two-day international interdisciplinary conference related to NSZL’s exhibition entitled “Propaganda in World War I”

Opening ceremony of the Harry Houdini exhibition


2016 marks the 90th anniversary of the birth of American illusionist and magician Harry Houdini (born Erik Weisz) who was of Hungarian origin. Houdini was the greatest escapologist of all times and also one of the greatest performers of the modern age.

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