
Old books, new adventures


The presentation of a book written by Farkas Gábor Farkas, entitled Régi könyvek, új kalandok. 12 történet a könyvtárak mélyéről (Old books, new adventures. 12 stories from the depth of libraries), will start at 4 p.m. on Thursday March 10, 2016 in National Széchényi Library.

Exhibition and Auction of Young Writers



The Exhibition of Young Writers will be opened on March 8, 2016, at 4 p.m. in National Széchényi Library where talented young writers and poets will be presented, through their works, portraits, CVs, publication lists and also via the original manuscripts of authors.

Our external database subscriptions in 2016


Dear Readers! For the year 2016, National Széchényi Library subscribed to the following external databases, which you can access via the computers of the Library:

Journals of Akadémiai Kiadó (Publishing House of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

Books published by the Publishing House of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences offer scholars the possibility to publish their latest results in more than 40 disciplines, from nuclear chemistry via microbiology to linguistics. More than 60 journals can be accessed by users, back to the year 1998.

NSZL at BudapestArtWeek festival


National Széchényi Library will join BudapestArtWeek cultural festival beginning on April 19, 2016 and lasting for six days.

Geological periodicals in EPA



Due to a collaborative effort between National Széchényi Library/EPA, the Hungarian Office for Mining and Geology and the Hungarian Geological Society, scientific journal entitled Földtani kutatás (Geological Research) has been archived. The material of all the volumes of the periodical can be accessed in full text and with tables of content on the site of EPA.

Mikes Kelemen Program – Preserving the written heritage of overseas Hungarians


For three years now, NSZL staff has been participating in Mikes Kelemen Program organized by the State Secretariat for Hungarian Communities Abroad of the Prime Minister’s Office. Documents arriving from overseas in Hungary have been stored and systemized.

Director-General László Tüske gave a speech at NCL of Taiwan


On February 17, 2016, Dr. László Tüske, Director-General of National Széchényi Library visited the Rare Book Room and Collection at the National Central Library of Taiwan. He was also invited to speak on The Role and Tasks of an East-Central European National Library in the 21st century.

Reading Room of the Collection of Posters and Small Prints will be closed from 3 p.m. on February 24


We inform you that, due to a library event, the Reading Room of the Collection of Posters and Small Prints will be closed from 3 p.m. on February 24.

We apologize for any inconvenience caused and we are looking forward to seeing you in NSZL from 9 a.m. on February 25.


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