
Summering of Museums


Just like last year, this May too, National Széchényi Library will participate in the 21st Summering of Museums, an event held in the garden of the Hungarian National Museum on May 21 and 22, 2016.

During the Summering of Museums, we will present and sell materials, souvenirs and publications of the Publication Collection of National Széchényi Library. Our tent will host museum educational sessions for children.

Press conference of the Deputy State Secretary



On April 19, 2016, Péter Szilágyi, Deputy State Secretary for National Policy at the Prime Minister’s Office held a press conference on Mikes Kelemen Program. The event was also attended by the directors of the partner institutions, Zsuzsanna Mikó, Directress-General of the National Archives of Hungary and László Tüske, Director-General of National Széchényi Library.

Report on the event (in Hungarian)

MATARKA and EPA offer a new function


Hungarian Periodicals Table of Contents Database dubbed MATARKA has been in close cooperation with Electronic Periodicals Archive & Database since 2004.

Bibliothecaria Emerita



On April 29, 2016, Mrs. Endre Ferenczy, née Lídia Wendelin, retired staff member of our Library was granted the so-called Bibliothecaria Emerita by Director-General of NSZL László Tüske, for a lifetime of sacrificing work in National Széchényi Library.

Databases of Akadémiai Kiadó come with an extended offer


For two months, between April 15 and June 15, 2016, the Dictionaries of Akadémiai Kiadó package will contain the Russian-Hungarian and Hungarian-Russian electronic dictionaries, too. At the same time, the so-called MeRSZ, Hungarian Electronic Reference Works Service will also be expanded.

Russian dictionaries

What are the advantages of an electronic dictionary?

MEK 15,000!


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