Registering for a Reader Pass

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We would like to draw our Readers’ attention to the fact that Hungary’s National Széchényi Library, due to its special status among the Hungarian libraries, is not a lending library. NSZL’s documents can be used only on the premises of the Library.


NSZL summer opening hours
from 15 July 2024 to 26 August 2024


When your Reader Pass is issued, you can use any of the options listed under the Services link.
You can register for a Reader Pass only in person:

  • Tuesday–Thursday: 10.00 – 17.00 
  • Friday and Saturday: 9.00 – 18.00 

Any Hungarian or foreign citizen above the age of 16 can apply for a Reader Pass issued with a photo taken on site.
To apply for a Reader Pass, you need a valid personal identification document (personal ID card with an address card, or a student card, passport or driver license). The Library will take care of protecting personal data according to its Privacy Policy.

Fee of library use For 12 months*
Total price 2500 HUF
Discount price Discount rates are valid for the following library users:- Pensioners below the age of 70; - Persons with a valid student card; - Registered unemployed and those who receive income subsidies on a regular basis. 1500 HUF


Fee of library use For 12 months*
Total price 2000 HUF
Discount price Discount rates are valid for the following library users: - Pensioners below the age of 70; - Persons with a valid student card; - Registered unemployed and those who receive income subsidies on a regular basis. 1000 HUF
Day Pass uniformly** 1200 HUF

*Periods indicated are counted from the date of registering for a Reader Pass.
** NSZL issues a Day Pass for readers above the age of 18 who want to use the Library only on a particular day. Readers with a Day Pass are entitled to use only those services which are related to documents in the General Collection. This pass does not entitle you to use the Special Collections of NSZL.

Card production fee (not to be paid on renewal of your Reader Pass) 500 HUF
Change or replacement of card for the first time 500 HUF
On each further occasion 800 HUF
Substitute Pass (if the reader cannot show his/her valid Reader Pass) 500 HUF
Fee for substituting a lost Pass 2000 HUF
Fee of preparing online documents in case of documents belonging to NSZL’s General Collection (fees are meant per volume) 100 HUF
Fees of  copies (photocopying, copy of a photo, own camera, etc.)  

Substitute Pass can be purchased for one day if a reader cannot show his/her valid Reader Pass on the given day.

Replacement Reader Pass can be issued to replace a lost or damaged Reader Pass for a substitute fee (See Other Fees).

Discount rates are valid for the following library users:

  • Pensioners below the age of 70;
  • Persons with a valid student card;
  • Registered unemployed and those who receive income subsidies on a regular basis.

Readers can be exempted from paying registration fee if they belong to any of the categories below:

  • Employees of public collections (libraries, museums, archives);
  • Professional instructors and students taking part in librarian—IT expert training of higher education institutes;
  • Hungarians from beyond the country’s borders who own a valid Hungarian ID Card;
  • Invalid pensioners with a 67-percent or more severe health damage, persons who are visually or hearing impaired, or disabled;
  • People above the age of 70;
  • Members of the Amor Librorum Club;
  • Employees of institutions and members of organizations with which NSZL has signed an agreement on mutual free use.

Eligibility to discount and free use does not exempt library users from paying ”Other Fees”.

Types of Reader Passes:

  • Sign ’A’ Researcher Reader Pass is issued to those who deal with scientific research as part of their profession or entirely on a professional level, as well as to those taking part in a PhD program.
  • Sign ’B’ Reader Pass is issued to those who do not belong to the other three (’A’,’B’,’C’) categories.
  • Sign ’C’ Reader Pass is issued to students attending faculties other than Arts of insititutes of higher education and to high-school students.
  • Sign ’D’ Reader Pass is issued to students attending the Arts Faculty of any institute of higher education. 

To Register for, or extend an expired Reader Pass, you need

  • to present a valid ID card, or
  • to show a proper certificate (issued by a workplace, educational institution or a PhD school).

Sign ’A’ Reader Pass entitles you to use the entire range of documents at all the reading rooms of the various collections.

Owners of  Sign ’B’, ’C’ and ’D’ Reader Passes are not entitled to use research sites and they can use certain parts of NSZL collection only with a permit, according to rules enlisted in Rules on the Use of Documents (in Hungarian).

On registering for a Reader Pass, the reader gets acquainted with the major elements of NSZL’s Regulations on Reader Service (in Hungarian). Reader acknowledges the obligation to keep himself/herself to NSZL’s rules and regulations and verifies this by his or her signature.

In case of extending a Reader Pass, reader has to verify his/her identity as well as to prove eligibility to any type of discount or free use. Reader Pass can be renewed even years after it expires, so it is worthwhile preserving it.

Reader Pass cannot be transferred to any other person, its owner is responsible for any damage done due to use by a false identity. Therefore, reader is advised to report the loss of his or her Reader Pass right away.

National Széchényi Library reserves the right to exclude from among its readers those who break the above-mentioned rules.


Phone number of Registering Desk is +36 1 487 8659.