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Two Oxford University databases available remotely for research



Until October 31, 2021, two Oxford University Press databases, Oxford Handbooks Online and Oxford (Grove) Art Online, will be made available remotely by our library. We provide remote access to our registered readers as follows: click on “Sign in via your Institution”, then under “Select your Institution” choose the National Széchenyi Library Select from the list, then enter your reader pass number (username) and password (date of birth).

Tens of thousands of unique documents became freely available in our databases in 2020



As the largest Hungarian public collection, National Széchényi Library has been keeping a whole range of treasures that can rarely be seen and which may be surprising at first sight. During 2020, however, more and more curiosities became digitally freely accessible via our recently launched databases.

1956 – history on leaflets


Entitled “1956 – history on leaflets”, a new, freely accessible digital content service has been launched by National Széchényi Library. The database launched on October 23, 2020 offers an ample selection of leaflets and text posters made during the 1956 Revolution and Freedom Fight.

NSZL to launch a new digital content service entitled “Földabrosz” (Earth Cloth)



The currently launched and continuously expanding database entitled “Földabrosz” (Earth Cloth) includes approximately 1,000 digitized maps that were printed in Hungary or abroad before 1850. The majority of the maps were made in the 18th century, but the collection also includes several 17th-century editions, once owned by founder of our Library, Count Ferenc Széchényi (1754–1820). 

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