
General meeting and board renewal of the Hungarian Reading Association


On Saturday January 12, 2019, the Ceremonial Hall of National Széchényi Library will host the general meeting and board renewal of the Hungarian Reading Association (HUNRA). The one-day meeting will feature several professional lectures as well. The detailed Hungarian-language program of the event can be read on the website of the Hungarian Reading Association.

Masquerade ball in Buda Castle



In the Lord's 2019 year, in the Month of the Blessed Virgin Mary, on the 19th day, a masquerade ball will be held in the royal palace.

The Corvina Library and the Buda Workshop. Illustrated pages

The Corvina Library and the Buda Workshop. Illustrated pages
Texts were written and images were selected by Edina Zsupán, curator of the exhibition
NSZL, Budapest, 2018

1 300,- Ft
Not available

Cooperation agreement between Pázmány Péter Catholic University and NSZL



On December 5, 2018, Director-General of National Széchényi Library (NSZL) László Tüske and Szabolcs Szuromi Anzelm OPraem, Rector of Pázmány Péter Catholic University (PPCU) signed a cooperation agreement in Buda Royal Palace.

Christmas concert


Budapesti Szent Család templom


Saint Lucy's Day book fair


Between December 12 and 14, 2018, Library publications including decorative albums and most beautiful books will be on sale at a 30–40–50% discount price in the bookshop of NSZL.

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