National Széchényi Library and the Section of Social Science Librarians of the Association of Hungarian Librarians cordially invite you to a conference to be held on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of American Hungarian Foundation (New Brunswick, N.J.). The event will take place from 10 a.m. on Monday April 18, 2016.
Presiding Chair: Judit Villám (Chairwoman, Section of Social Science Librarians of the Association of Hungarian Librarians)
Opening by Dr. László Boka, Director of Research and Academic Affairs (National Széchényi Library)
- Ilona Kovács (retired head of department, NSZL): Results and significance of the 60 years of American Hungarian Foundation
- Nóra Deák (Head of Library, School of English and American Studies Library, Eötvös Loránd University, Fulbright Scholar, PhD candidate): Camp Kilmer, database made from the records of US receiving center hosting the Hungarian refugees of 1956, a new source of research
- Éva Kaposvári-Dányi (Head of Department, Department of Acquisitions, NSZL): Mikes Kelemen Program as a new source of collecting hungarica. Role and future plans of NSZL, results and problems
- István Hegedűs (research assistant, HAS Centre for Social Sciences, Institute for Minority Studies): Roles and possibilities Kőrösi Csoma and Mikes Kelemen programs on site. Experiences of a participant in New Brunswick (N.J.); proposal to build a coordinating role for American Hungarian Foundation
Questions and comments
Venue: Ceremonial Hall of National
Széchényi Library (Level 6) “F” Wing of Buda Royal Palace, 1st District of Budapest, 4-6 Szent György Square, H-1014 Budapest
RSVP at hegykozi@oszk.hu, April 12, 2016 the latest.