Lectures, concert and scientific conference on November 9-10, 2015
Organized jointly by several cultural institutions, a scientific conference will be held on November 9-10, 2015 at the Arts Faculty of ELTE and in National Széchényi Library. Several Library staff members will also deliver lectures on topics related to the history of religion and culture.

Monday November 9, 2015
Venue: Arts Faculty of Eötvös Loránd University
Trefort Garden Campus,
Múzeum blvd. 4/F 212, Budapest H-1088
Tábor, the Chalice and the Brethren: The Legacy of John Hus
Series of university lectures
Chairman: István Lukács, Director of the Institute of Slavic and Baltic Studies at ELTE BTK
- 12:00–12:15 Opening
- 12:15–13:00 Balázs Nagy: Prosperity and metamorphosis: Bohemia before Hus
- 13:00–13:15 Comments and questions
- 13:15–13:45 Andor Mészáros: On the Oeuvre of John Hus
- 13:45–14:00 Comments and questions
- 14:00–14:15 Tea break
- 14:15–14:45 Klára Korompay: An open question in the intersection of several disciplines: the so-called Hussite Bible
- 14:45–15:00 Comments and questions
- 15:00–15:30 Balázs Déri: From the Czech Brethren to the Moravian Church
- 15:30–16:00 Comments, questions and advertisements
Reformed Church at Dezső Szilágyi Square
3 Dezső Szilágyi Square, Budapest H-1011
- 18:00–18:50 Hana Vlhová-Wörner: The creation of folk-language Czech liturgy in the early 15th century
(Lecture will be delivered in German; translation will be provided.)
- 19:00–20:00 Festive concert
Hussite and Czech Brethren songs and chorals
(Praetorius Chamber Choir, conducted by Balázs Déri and László Kéringer; duet: László Kéringer and Dániel Árvai; organ played by Dóra Pétery)
Antonín Dvořák: Biblické písně (Biblical songs), Op. 99 (Judit Rajk, alto, Dóra Pétery, piano)
A low-key reception will be held after the concert in the Reformed Community Hall at Dezső Szilágyi Square.
Tuesday November 10, 2015
Venue: National Széchényi Library
Buda Castle, Building “F”,
Ceremonial Hall on Floor 6
The Effect of John Hus and Hussitism on Hungarian Culture
Ohlas díla Jana Husa a husictví v uherské kultuře
Scientific Conference
- 9:30 Opening of the John Hus exhibition: Vybíral, Zdeněk, Deputy-director of academic affairs, Hussite Museum, Tábor
- 10:00–11:00 Chairman: Balázs Déri, Director of the Center of Religious Studies at ELTE BTK
Welcome speech by László Boka, Director of Research and Academic Affairs (NSZL)
Bolom-Kotari, Sixtus: Hussitism and its survival in Czech Protestantism
Pišna, Jan: Hussite written documents in National Széchényi Library
- 11:15–12:30 Chairman: Eszter Kovács, NSZL’s Department of Research in Book and Cultural History
Judit Lauf: Hussite Antiphonary kept in Esztergom Cathedral Library
Péter Haraszti Szabó: University of Prague and Hussitism in Hungary
Péter Rokay and Melina Rokai: Novi Sad surroundings, as a center of Hungary’s Hussite culture in the 1430s
- 12:30–12:45 Debate
- 12:45–13:30 Lunch break
- 13:30–14:15 Chairman: Judit P. Vásárhelyi, Head of Department, NSZL’s Department of Research in Book and Cultural History
Eszter Kovács: The Hussite interpretation of Ottoman danger
Attila Verók: Human skin of a Hussite drawn on a drum? Comments of a book historian on the margin of the legend of a Hus follower
Andor Mészáros: Czech Protestant presses in Hungary
- 14:15–14:30 Debate
- 14:45–15:30 Chairman: Andor Mészáros, Department of the History of Culture at ELTE BTK
Tamás Berkes: Hussite movement as interpreted by Palacký
Csaba Kiss Gy.: Afterlife of John Hus in Hungarian literature
Zsolt Vesztróczy: Heretics, soldiers, burglars and builders of nation (Hussitism in the historical works of Mór Jókai)
- 15:30–15:45 Debate
Organizers of the event: Arts Faculty of ELTE (Department of the History of Culture, Centre for the Study of Religion, Institute of Slavic and Baltic Studies), National Széchényi Library, Cseh Centrum (Czech Center), St. Adalbert Central and Eastern Europe Research Foundation, Magyar Művészeti Akadémia (Hungarian Academy of Arts)
Poster of the exhibition