Open Sesame! – Book presentation and discussion

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Entitled Orientalists in NSZL, a lecture series presenting the culture of the East will begin on February 8, 2017.  On the first occasion, books on the Islamic State and the idea historical as well as geopolitical aspects of Islamism will be presented, and there will be a discussion with the authors of the books.

“Muslim world seen through the eyes of the West and the Western world seen through Muslim eyes almost totally lack a need for getting to know reality. [...] This event is important because when we speak of Orientalists, we speak of academics. Academics stand on the basis of critical science, and as such, they look upon the topic of their research with academic criticism. They do not evaluate or rank it, do not make statements on a moral basis, and most of all, they do not write anything because they have hostile feelings against the Islamic religion.” The East as We See It – Interview with Director-General László Tüske in the blog of National Széchényi Library (in Hungarian).


The following books will be presented:

Anett Arany – Erzsébet N. Rózsa – Máté Szalai: Az Iszlám Állam Kalifátusa. Az átalakuló Közel-Kelet (The Islamic State Caliphate. The Changing Middle East). Osiris – KKI, Budapest, 2016

János Jany: Az iszlamizmus – Eszmetörténet és geopolitika (Islamism – History of Ideas and Geopolitics). Typotex, Budapest, 2016 (PANTA Pázmány International Studies 6.)

Our special guests will be Erzsébet N. Rózsa and János Jany. Host of the event: László Tüske, Director-General of NSZL

Date: February 8, 2017, 5 p.m.
Venue: National Széchényi Library, Wing “F” of Buda Royal Palace

Poster of the event series

We are looking forward to seeing you in NSZL!

The event on Facebook