“On this Big Binge” – Interdisciplinary conference on the cultural history of World War I

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Section of Modern Hungarian Literature at HAS Research Center for the Humanities, Institute for Literary Studies is holding a three-day conference entitled “On this Big Binge” between June 8 and 10, 2016. The conference is the second event of a series consisting of three conferences on the cultural effects and consequences of Word War I. Several research fellows of NSZL’s staff, including László Boka, Emőke Kötél, Jolán Mann, Anikó Ágnes Patonai, Zsuzsanna Rózsafalvi and Beatrix Visy, deliver a lecture at the conference. In the wake of the first conference, which was held in September 2014 and which had a huge success (“Remembering a Summer Night”), the central theme of this conference is also marked out by the title of a poem by Endre Ady.

Lectures of the conference focus on changes in the perception of World War I: on the historic moment, sometimes lasting for years, when the initial euphoria gave way to apathy. In arts and culture, there seemed to have been two ways out: escapism and radical opposition.

Venue of the conference:, 11-13 Ménesi St., Budapest

Program of the conference 
Summaries of the lectures