Cooperation agreement with the National Library of Montenegro

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Director-General of National Széchényi Library Dr. László Tüske and Bogić Rakočević, Director-General of the National Library of Montenegro got acquainted last October at a congress held for librarians in China. Following that, the possibility of establishing direct professional cooperation between the two institutions arose.

Prior to that, on May 23, 2016, Director-General of National Széchényi Library László Tüske received Pavle Goranovic, Minister of Culture of Montenegro and his delegation in his office. The parties agreed that they would sign a cooperation agreement between the national libraries of the two countries.

On February 25, 2019, the delegation of the National Library of Montenegro visited our Library, where they discussed the major areas of inter-library cooperation, with special regard to the ongoing digitization project, and research into book and printing history currently performed in both institutions. Issues such as related academic programs and exhibitions to be launched were also discussed. At the end of the talks, Bogić Rakočević and Dr. László Tüske signed a four-year Cooperation Agreement.

During their visit to Budapest, members of the delegation had an opportunity to visit the Hungarian Parliament, as well as the collection of the Library of the Hungarian Parliament, where the delegation was received by Director of the library Szilárd Markója.