Gift CD collection from the Hungarian State Opera

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On the occasion of the Hungarian Opera Day, the Hungarian State Opera released a unique CD collection including masterpieces of 200 years of the Hungarian opera culture. The collection entitled Magyar Opera200 (Hungarian Opera200) will be presented to municipal libraries and musical institutions of Hungary by the Hungarian State Opera. NSZL was the first library that received this prominent publication. Dr. Virág Főző, Deputy Directress-General of the Hungarian State Opera personally presented the gift box to Dr. László Tüske, Director-General of National Széchényi Library.

After National Széchényi Library, the biggest library of Hungary, the management of the Hungarian State Opera will visit the smallest municipal library of Hungary, Pálháza Municipal Library in order to present the CD collection.

The exclusively rich collection includes music composed by, among others, Béla Bartók, Ernő Dohnányi, Péter Eötvös, Ferenc Erkel, Zoltán Kodály, László Lajtha, György Ránki, Sándor Szokolay and Judit Varga.

Our Library will keep the CD collection entitled Magyar Opera200 (Hungarian Opera200) in its Music Collection, so that visitors could have an access to this great publication.