Guests from Bulgaria

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On November 3, 2016, Director-General of the St. St. Cyril and Methodius National Library of Bulgaria and her deputy paid a professional visit to National Széchényi Library.

Members of the delegation were Krasimira Stoicheva Aleksandrova (Director-General of the St. St. Cyril and Methodius National Library of Bulgaria), Marcela Mihailova Borisova (Deputy Director-General of the St. St. Cyril and Methodius National Library of Bulgaria), Olga Nikolajeva Popova (Director, Bulgarian Cultural Institute, Budapest) and Her Excellency Bisserka Benisheva (Ambassador, Embassy of Bulgaria in Budapest).

The delegation was received by János Káldos, Deputy Director-General of National Széchényi Library and László Boka, Director of Research and Academic Affairs, NSZL. Our guests were taken on a general tour of the Library, and then they visited two of NSZL’s special collections, the Collection of Historical Interviews and the Manuscript Collection.

The Collection of Historical Interviews was briefly presented as a collection of audiovisual documents, with special regard to two collection segments: motion picture lifetime achievement interviews and archive audio materials of Radio Free Europe. The guests were especially interested in our digitizing tasks and workflows, workstations and equipment.

After the tour, a cooperation agreement between the two national libraries was signed by the parties.

The event in pictures