International PhD seminar

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Led by Dr. Aurelius Augustinus den Hollander (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam), PhD students paid a visit to National Széchényi Library on December 7, 2015. Professor Den Hollander works for Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam (University of Amsterdam) and his students participate in the “COST Action IS1301 training school” program. They delivered and listened to lectures on the following topic: “Crossing borders.

The transmission of religious texts and the migration of scholars in late medieval and early modern Europe” at the seminar held in the Director-General’s boardroom. Students arrived from various countries of Europe including Finland, Romania the Netherlands, Spain, Belgium, Poland and Italy. Guests were received by Dr. Judit Pojják-Vásárhelyi and Barbara Kiss.

Barbara Kiss held a general tour of National Széchényi Library. Dr. Farkas Gábor Farkas, Dr. Zaynab Dalloul and Dr. Péter Ekler presented famous and valuable rare items of the Library’s Early Printed Books Collection as well as early prints related to the current topic of Training school.

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