Leaf through it! – a new series on our social media sites

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National Széchényi Library will launch a new series on its Instagram and Facebook site, which enables users to have a look into the highly successful illustrated albums, published by NSZL independently or jointly with other publishers, and have a glimpse into valuable exhibition catalogs and curiosities.

What kind of dishes did people eat during World War I? Have you heard of the famous portrait of Arany? Which well-known novels have appeared in the form of comics? What does the manuscript of a writer's private letter hide? In addition to a lot of interesting things and novelties, we also encourage everyone to play and think together in connection with the publications presenting our treasures. We try to give you the widest possible spectrum of our award-winning books, all by virtually leafing through them.

During the closure made necessary by the current pandemic situation, all of our books, albums and periodicals can be ordered online at the following link: http://www.oszk.hu/en/publications.
Follow us at out Facebook and Instagram sites, and let us read together!