Let us meet at the 88th Festive Book Week!

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This year too National Széchényi Library will take part in Festive Book Week organized on the 88th occasion by the founder, the Hungarian Publishers' and Booksellers' Association between June 8 and 11, 2017.

For many people it has been little known that, in addition to offering a wide range of library, museum and research site services, the Hungarian national library has been present on the Hungarian book market as a publisher for years now. National Széchényi Library presents an average of 25 to 30 prestigious publications annually, based on its unique hungarica collection and its tasks of a social sciences library. Individually or jointly with renowned publishers in Hungary and abroad, NSZL offers readers and researchers a wide range of publications including reference books on the history of culture and books, gap-filling bibliographies, valuable facsimile editions, illustrated albums, series of essay volumes and exhibition catalogs.

In addition to publicizing scheduled events of National Széchényi Library and presenting our library services, we will offer our former and new publications at a discount price during the 88th Festive Book Week.

Books recommended for you by NSZL:

  • Géza Gárdonyi: The Eclipse of the Crescent Moon, volume I–II. The Life of Gergely Bornemissza. A Novel in Five Parts Légrády Testvérek, Budapest, 1901. This facsimile is of the first edition of the novel (NSZL catalogue number 85.013). Explanatory essay written by Attila Csobán NSZL–Pytheas Könyvmanufaktúra, Budapest., 2017
  • Beatrix Visy: “Not Like Today”. Characteristics of Narration, Fiction Narrative in “The History of European Literature” by Mihály Babits. NSZL-Balassi Publishing House, Budapest, 2017
  • Eszter Kovács: Knowledge of Islam in Bohemia at the Turn of the 16th-17th Centuries. NSZL- Pázmány Péter Catholic University. Budapest, 2017. The author will inscribe her book at NSZL stand (pavilion 141) from 10 a.m. on Saturday June 10, 2017.
  • Twenty-four Carats. Poems by Contemporary Poets on the 200th Anniversary of the Birth of János Arany. (Edited by Beatrix Visy)
  • The Bibliography of Hungary 1712–1860 IX. Supplements Prints published between 1701-1800 in Hungary and abroad (in Hungarian language), in addition to Géza Petrik’s The Bibliography of Hungary 1712–1860. Selected and edited by Eszter Kovács and Judit V. Ecsedy. Proofread by Judit P. Vásárhelyi. Published by National Széchényi Library, Budapest, 2017
