Our external database subscriptions in 2016

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Dear Readers! For the year 2016, National Széchényi Library subscribed to the following external databases, which you can access via the computers of the Library:

Journals of Akadémiai Kiadó (Publishing House of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)

Books published by the Publishing House of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences offer scholars the possibility to publish their latest results in more than 40 disciplines, from nuclear chemistry via microbiology to linguistics. More than 60 journals can be accessed by users, back to the year 1998.

Dictionaries of Akadémiai Kiadó

The following items make up the central content of this service: Publishing House of HAS’ Large English-Hungarian Dictionary, Large Hungarian-English Dictionary, Large German-Hungarian Dictionary, Large Hungarian-German Dictionary, Large French-Hungarian Dictionary, Large Hungarian-French Dictionary, Idegen szavak és kifejezések szótára (Dictionary of Foreign Words and Phrases), Környezetvédelmi lexikon (Encyclopedia of Environmental Protection), Magyar–angol környezetvédelmi értelmező szótár (Hungarian-English Dictionary of Environmental Protection),  English-Hungarian financial and technical dictionaries and dictionaries on EU terminology. Also available are: Spanish-Hungarian dictionary, Hungarian-Spanish dictionary, Német–magyar műszaki nagyszótár (Large German-Hungarian Technical Dictionary), Concise Italian-Hungarian Dictionary, Concise Hungarian-Italian Dictionary, Concise Hungarian-Dutch Dictionary, Magyar értelmező kéziszótár (Concise Hungarian Dictionary), Új magyar irodalmi lexicon (New Hungarian Encyclopedia of Literature), Magyar szinonima szótár (Dictionary of Hungarian Synonyms), A magyar helyesírás szabályai (Rules of Hungarian Spelling).

Akadémiai Kiadó, MeRSZ digital content service

  • Essential reference books – works by the most renowned Hungarian scholars in Hungarian
  • Target audience: secondary and higher education + public libraries
  • Easy to use: also on mobile devices and tablets
  • Regularly updated content
  • Advanced search options
  • Placing personal bookmarks
  • Making individual notes
  • Management of cross references
  • IP- and eduID identification
  • Remote access by Shibboleth

Arcanum ADT+ – Arcanum Digitális Tudománytár (Digital Scientific Library)

It is a premium service of Arcanum Adatbázis Kft, the biggest and continuously expanding digital periodical database of Hungary which makes every issue of several hundreds of Hungarian scientific and professional journals and of weeklies and dailies accessible in their entirety. Services included are search in texts totaling several millions of pages, browsing in the tables of content of several hundreds of periodicals and the display of documents.

Grove Music Online (Oxford Music Online)

Grove Music Online has been a leading database of online music research since 2001. It contains resumes of the majority of music scholarships. Also, it makes available the material of The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (2nd Edition, 2001) in full-text format, and materials of The New Grove Dictionary Opera (1992) and The New Grove Dictionary of Jazz (2nd Edition. 2001). Contained within Grove Music Online are over 50,000 entries and 30,000 bibliographies compiled by 6,000 scholars. It is an English-language, full-text database.

Subscribers to Oxford Music Online can have an access to the volume entitled The Oxford Companion to Music (2002). The original edition was published by its author (Percy A. Scholes) in 1938. Later it was expanded with over 1,000 entries and the bulk of the work has been revised. Major topics include dance, jazz and pop music.

The 2nd, revised edition of The Oxford Dictionary of Music (2006) was edited by Michael Kennedy, co-editor was Joyce Bourne. This work includes 12,500 entries. The volume entitled Encyclopedia of Popular Music was edited by Colin Larkin (4th Edition, 2006), which is a collection of the biographies of pop, rock and jazz musicians, from 1900 to present day. Links lead to Classical Music Library and DRAM, as well as to musical bibliography dubbed RILM. On top of that, entries of Grove Music Online are connected with the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.


JSTOR is a digital archive which has been compiled by scientists, researchers and students for scientists, researchers and students. The compiled content is more than just a simple database: it is a community platform for research. The database was set up in 1995 and it has been popular ever since. With the aid of the international academic community, JSTOR created an inter-disciplinary archive database of high academic quality, in which you can search materials of several thousands of scientific journals (both digital and print formats).
The management surface (tools) helps and makes it easier for researchers to cooperate. The scope of collection of the JSTOR archive covers almost every discipline and it provides an opportunity to search articles of several thousands of scientific journals, from the humanities via social sciences to natural sciences.
In 2008, JSTOR merged with Aluka, so now you can search not just articles but also mails, government documents, pamphlets, images and 3D models. In JSTOR, journals can be accessed in the so-called Collections. In National Széchényi Library, you can access the Language and Literature Collection.

Literature Resource Center

Literature Resource Center is the most up-to-date, comprehensive and reliable online literature database of the world. It helps with interdisciplinary research, digital text comprehension and the development of critical thinking.

MLA (Modern Language Association) International Bibliography

MLA International Bibliography provides excellent search in more than 2 million bibliographic entries covering journal articles, books, dissertations and scientific websites. It indexes professional literature of several disciplines, including language and literature, linguistics, literary studies and criticism, ethnography and drama, between 1921 and present day.

NSZL’s all databases can be accessed at the main menu point Catalogs/ databases: http://www.oszk.hu/en/catalogues_databases.