As part of the event series of Saint Ladislaus Year held in Rumania, on October 14 the Roman Catholic Diocese of Nagyvárad will organize a church history conference entitled REX ADMIRABILIS – Work and Memory of King Saint Ladislaus. Staff member of our Library, Dr. Edit Madas, corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, research fellow of HAS-NSZL Res Libraria Hungariae Research Group will also deliver a lecture at the event.
Conference program:
- 09:00 Commemorative prayer at the gravesite of the high priests of Nagyvárad (Oradea), in the crypt of the Cathedral
- 09:30 Greetings
- 09:40 ERNŐ MAROSI (professor emeritus, full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences): Saint Ladislaus, King of Hungary in art history writing
- 10:30 LÁSZLÓ SOLYMOSI (professor emeritus, full member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences): King Saint Ladislaus – ruler and saint
- 11:20–12:50 Break
- 12:50 EDIT MADAS (university professor, staff member of National Széchényi Library, corresponding member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences): The figure of King Saint Ladislaus in medieval sermon literature
- 13:20 GÁBOR KLANICZAY (university professor, Central European University – Department of Medieval Studies): Saint Ladislaus cult in a European comparison
- 14:00 ZSOMBOR JÉKELY (Head of the Department of Art History at Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary, Deputy Director-General of the Museum of Applied Arts): Formation and early memories of the Saint Ladislaus cycle in medieval wall painting