The concert is cancelled! Thank you for your understanding.
The Choir of National Széchényi Library cordially invites you to its spring concert presenting works composed by romantic composers. The concert will take place on March 25, 2020 in the Chamber Hall of the Old Academy of Music.
- Ludwig van Beethoven: Spring Song (from Op. 20 Septet, J. Rodenberg)
- Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy:
Lob des Frühlings (L. Uhland)
Im Grünen (Wilhelmine v. Chezy)
- Fanny Mendelssohn-Hensel:
Hörst du nicht die Bäume rauschen (Eichendorff)
Im Wald (E. Geibel)
Franz Schubert: Shepherds' Chorus from “Rosamunde” (Wilhelmine v. Chezy)
- Schubert-Liszt: Frühlingsglaube
- Franz Liszt: Petrarch Sonnet 104
Felix Mendelssohn-Bartholdy: Der erste Frühlingstag
a/ Frühlingsahnung (L. Uhland)
b/ Die Primel (N. Lenau)
c/ Frühlingsfeier (L. Uhland)
- Johannes Brahms: Dein Herzlein mild (Paul Heyse)
Robert Franz: Vom Berge (W. Osterwald)
- Robert Schumann: Waldszenen, excerpts
Franz Liszt: Paganini Etude in E major (“The Hunt”)
- Franz Liszt: Air de Chateaubriand
- Mihály Mosonyi: Spring Song (Unknown lyricist)
Ferenc Erkel: Sun greeting convivial song (Miklós Szabó)
- Antonín Dvořák – Leos Janácek: Moravian Songs Nr. 1-2
Choir of National Széchényi Library
Gábor Eckhardt (piano, 4-5, 8, 11)
Conducted by
Mária Eckhardt (1-2, 4, 7, 9-11) and Ágnes Gupcsó (3, 6)
Entrance fee: HUF 1,000; it is free for members of the Liszt Ferenc Society
Venue: Chamber Hall of the Old Academy of Music, 35 Vörösmarty Street, H-1064 Budapest
Date: Wednesday March 25, 2020, 6 p.m.
Website of the choir (in Hungarian)