Years of Disarray 1908–1928. Treasures of the Collection of Posters and Small Prints in the Czech Republic

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Treasures of the Collection of Posters and Small Prints of National Széchényi Library were on display again at a prestigious exhibition. Six posters by Sándor Bortnyik recently travelled to Olomouc, Moravia. The Olomouc Museum of Art organized an exhibition entitled Years of Disarray, the subtitle of which was Between Anxiety and Delight: the Birth of Modern Central European Citizen 1908–1928. Main organizer of the exhibition was the Olomouc Museum of Art, while co-organizers were the following: International Cultural Centre in Cracow, Bratislava City Gallery, and Janus Pannonius Museum in Pécs. The exhibition focuses on the ten years preceding and following, respectively, the end of World War I, and the disintegration of a unified Central Europe when, with the disintegration and collapse of the Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, the Treaty of Trianon resulting in tragic consequences for Hungary was signed.

In addition to the Czech Republic, the exhibition will also be organized in Poland, Slovakia and Hungary in 2019 and 2020. Related to the program will be a large-scale monograph to be published in four languages, that will be compiled by an international group of Central European art historians, dealing with the period lasting from 1908 until 1928.

You can read a related NSZL blog entry here. (Text in Hungarian)