News, events

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Under the subtitle “A Hermetic Reformation”, a scholarly conference will be held in National Széchényi Library on February 18, 2017.  The conference will mark the opening of The Ritman Library’s traveling exhibition ‘Divine Wisdom – Divine Nature’, and its topics include alchemy, magic, Christian Kabbalah and the symbolic language of the Rosicrucians.
On February 14, 2017, a new chamber exhibition entitled “Massenet and Hungary” will be opened in the corridor adjacent to, and in the Reading Room of NSZL Music Collection. The exhibition will present the Hungarian reception and performance history of the French composer, known mainly as an opera composer. On top of that, the less known Hungarian aspects and connections of Massenet’s life and rich oeuvre will also be highlighted.
In honor of the 225th anniversary of the birth of István Széchenyi, last year several new volumes were added to the list of works on him or written by him in the Hungarian Electronic Library (MEK), accessible via the internet. Currently, a total of 45 Széchenyi-related works can be accessed, all of which are recommended for reading.
Set photos made at the shooting of classic Hungarian films (Szerelem (Love), Körhinta (Carousel) and Sirokkó (Sirocco), to be screened during the 4th Urania Film Days, can be found on the website of the Hungarian Film Historical Photo Collection.
Entitled Orientalists in NSZL, a lecture series presenting the culture of the East will begin in our Library. On the first occasion, books on the Islamic State and the idea historical as well as geopolitical aspects of Islamism will be presented. Host of the event will be Director-General László Tüske. “Muslim world seen through the eyes of the West and the Western world seen through Muslim eyes almost totally lack a need for getting to know reality.” You are welcome!
As a keeper of the majority of Arany manuscripts, not to mention other reasons, National Széchényi Library has been playing a significant role in professional preparations for János Arany Memorial Year  2017 right from the start. The Hungarian national library will offer various programs in order to celebrate the memorial year in a manner it truly deserves.
Tipográfia régtől fogva (Typography Since Olden Times), a book published jointly by NSZL and Argumentum Publishing House, was presented in Oradea (Nagyvárad) on the Day of the Hungarian Culture.
As of January 24, 2017, daily newspapers and weeklies will be available for reading in the Periodicals Reading Room of National Széchényi Library.
Marking the beginning of János Arany Memorial Year, on January 20, 2017 the manuscript of Toldi by János Arany will be on display for one day in National Széchényi Library. Guided tours of NSZL and  a book presentation ceremony will be held, and discounts will be offered at the registration desk. 
Due to illness, our Souvenir Shop will operate with shortened opening hours (from 9 a.m. until 1 p.m.) between January 11 and January 13, and it will be closed on Saturday January 14, 2017.  
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