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A person with one of the most adventurous lives in the history of Hungary, one of the most famous Hungarian world travelers, sailor and soldier, the first European ruler of the Indian Ocean archipelago was born on September 20, 1741. The exhibition about Móric Benyovszky’s life was prolonged: it will be open until January 28, 2017 in National Széchényi Library.
National Széchényi Library, keeper of the written Hungarian cultural heritage, presented eleven newly restored decorative albums within the framework of a series of events entitled European Heritage Days.
Recently, a colorful book was published in cooperation of Móra Publishing House and NSZL’s Theater Collection, which has been keeping the unmatched designs of Vera Bródy. The volume contains almost 400 puppet and scenery designs, and it presents the entire oeuvre of Vera Bródy, Mihály Munkácsy and Mari Jászai Award-winning puppet artist and puppet, scenery and costume designer. Book presentation will start at 4 p.m. on September 30, 2016.
You are cordially invited to the presentation of Eszmélj, Ábel! (Be Aware, Ábel!) by Áron Tamási. The book presentation will start at 5 p.m. on September 22, 2016.
2017 marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of Hungarian poet János Arany. This year has been declared János Arany Memorial Year by the Hungarian National Assembly and the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (HAS). Patron of the memorial year is László Lovász, President of HAS. One of the participants and exhibition locations will be National Széchényi Library.
During this year’s Researchers’ Night, we are looking forward to seeing you in the Map Collection of National Széchényi Library on September 30, 2016. You can have a look at digital maps, and our thematic blog as well as some of the priceless treasures of our collection will be presented.
On September 16, 2016, the Ministry of Human Capacities will launch an EU project entitled “Acting Communities – Active Community Involvement”, the primary aim of which is to strengthen social cohesion by way of an increased involvement of cultural institutions.
A volume of essays entitled Ha szabad így mondanom (If I May Say So) by András Udvarhelyi will be presented in the Ceremonial Hall of NSZL on September 22, 2016. The book is about György Faludy’s lovers, friends and roles.
NSZL will take part in the 8th Library Day to be held on September 13 and September 15, 2016.  The event, to be held at two locations this year, will help university and college students get acquainted with major libraries, publishing houses and archives related to their studies and research work.
The exhibition presents a selection from the treasures of Gyula Todoreszku’s library, which can rarely be seen, presenting at the same time their history, while selecting from documents related to the fate of the collection and from furnishings donated together with the library.
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