Buy your ticket now at the Library's Registration Desk!
This year National Széchényi Library focuses its programs for the Night of Museums on “humor”. We are waiting for you with the following programs, the list of which is given according to various sites within the Library:
Main entrance:
- Discount sales of books, exhibition catalogues and picture postcards published by NSZL
- Special offers in our Souvenir Shop
- Registration offer: 50% discount from the annual Library registration fee
- Exhibition of the winning pieces of our children's drawing competition entitled ‘Picture Initials’
Corridor in front of room 540:
- Exhibition of paintings by Hajnalka Siska-Szabó
Corridor in front of the Collection of Small Prints:
- Humor cubed – an exhibition from the humorous documents of the Collection of Small Prints
Board room of the Director-General (room 516):
- 16:00–18:00 Children’s occupation with Renaissance costumes and puppets
- 20:00 „Van másik!” (“We’ve got another one!”) 3rd mini book auction
- 22:00 „Van másik!” (“We’ve got another one!”) 3rd mini book auction
– No more, for the third time! NSZL will hold a mini auction for the third time. It will be a real auction, at friendly prices, in a friendly atmosphere. The passion for collecting, the wish to possess and bibliophil commitment have saved lots of books from destruction during the centuries. This year, at the Night of Museums, you can test the degree of your passion for collecting, whether you can fight until the end or lose with dignity. And you can do all this under playful circumstances, among old and new books, storybooks, yellow backs, magazines, maps, posters and other surprise items, which have been offered for sale at the auction by the staff and friends of NSZL. Items offered at the auction.
National Relic exhibition space:
- – The Royal Library – Secrets of 35 corvinas in the light of facsimiles, pictures, scripts and videos
The library of Hungarian King Matthias Hunyadi (1458-1490), known in its time as the Bibliotheca Corvina or Bibliotheca Augusta, was the first royal Renaissance-era library in Europe north of the Alps. The legendary richness and beauty represented both the king's power and the legitimacy of his reign.
Ceremonial Hall on Floor 6:
- 18:00–19:00 György Sándor: The University of Knowing Nothing, or My Selected Improvisations
- 20:00–21:00 István Mikó’s cabaret: Pleasures of the Stomach
- 22:00–-24:00 Tamás Vásáry: Humor and Music
Manuscript Collection:
- Exhibition from caricatures by Henrik Major
- Video projection from pictures by Henrik Major
- Caricature-drawing
Early Printed Books Archive:
- Exhibition of works by Galenus, Petronius, Bonfini and Galeotto Marzio (guided tour every hour, on the hour)
Music collection:
- Listening to music, cabaret songs
Theater History Collection:
- Cabaret 100 years ago, humorous quiz
Map Collection:
- Specialties of a Cosmographic Atlas 5: City maps from the map collection of Count Ferenc Széchényi – exhibition
- Children’s occupation, globe-making
Corvina Halls I & II and Ars Librorum exhibition space:
Corvina Hall III:
- “And kissed all under the sky” – Relic of the Year: exhibition of an unknown Ady manuscript –18.30 Opening of the exhibition (guided tour every 30 minutes)
Reading Rooms on Floor 7:
- Borsszem Jankó – exhibition
- “Füles mester kisded játékai” (Infants games of Master Bigears) – Exhibition of photos by József Tóth
- Central reading rooms will be open during the Night of Museums
- Secrets of the repositories – guided tour of the closed repositories (20 persons every 30 minutes)
- Zsákbamacska (Lucky Bag)
Continuously: Karika-túra (Caricature), a guided tour of the Library building (group tours start every hour)