The Hungarian-Turkish Cultural Year is halfway through – the contribution of the NSZL has also been acknowledged

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The Hungarian–Turkish Cultural Year, launched on 18 December last year on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries, has reached its second half. A press conference was held at the Budapest Operetta Theatre on 18 June 2024. The National Library was represented at the event by Zoltán Lewalt-Jezierski, Head of the Director General’s Cabinet.

The aim of the series of events is to bring the cultures of the two countries closer together through mutual programmes. The high-quality contribution of the NSZL was particularly acknowledged.

During the first half of the season, more than 70 cultural programmes were organised in Hungary, which were evaluated by Mr Gülşen Karanis, Ambassador of the Republic of Turkey in Budapest. In the second half of the year, the capital will be joined by Győr, Debrecen, Bugac and Szigetvár, among others. Gülşen Karanis stressed the importance of cooperation between Turkish and Hungarian artists and cultural institutions and announced that they will continue their joint work in 2025 under the motto of science and innovation.


Speaking at the event, Government Commissioner Péter Hoppál said that in the first part of the season, 87 events, including galas, exhibitions, workshops, literary, gastronomic and children's programmes, were organised in 15 municipalities in Turkey, including Istanbul, Ankara, Adana, Izmir and Tekirdağ, in cooperation with 71 partners.

The Government Commissioner stressed that, as with all cultural diplomacy events, the Hungarian–Turkish Cultural Year aims to showcase our cultural values, our identities and our uniqueness. Péter Hoppál also said that there was great interest and support for the cultural year.