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National Széchényi Library cordially invites you and your friends to the presentation ceremony of a book by Gábor Verrasztó entitled Mihály Bogáthy – Unfinished Biography. The event will take place in Boardroom 516 of NSZL, starting at 17:30 on Thursday June 29, 2017.  
As part of priority project “Acting Communities – Active Community Involvement” (EFOP-1.3.1-15-2016-00001), professional workshop days will be held in Kecskemét (July 4, 2017) and Székesfehérvár (July 11, 2017).
National Széchényi Library is proud to present its new thematic website on the history of the Rákóczi March, featuring items of its Music Collection.
360 movies, 160 posters – Jávor, Karády, Kabos and the others. First golden age of Hungarian film history at our poster exhibition
A book by Head of the 1956 Institute János Rainer M., entitled Az 1956-os forradalom (The Revolution of 1956), won an award in the category of scientific works, reference and higher education books.
At 6 p.m. on Thursday June 22, 2017, a recently published book including poems written by contemporary poets on the 200th anniversary of the birth of János Arany will be presented in Nyitott Műhely (Open Workshop).
We are looking forward to meeting you at pavilion 141 at the 88th Festive Book Week on Vörösmarty Square! Between June 8 and 11, we will offer our publications at a discount price. NSZL as a publisher presents an average of 25 to 30 publications annually, based on its unique hungarica collection and its tasks of a social sciences library.
Have a look at the treasures of our János Arany exhibition. Get to know Alajos Stróbl, a sculptor of Arany, visit our exhibition presenting the golden age of Hungarian sound films, and listen to the related concert of Hot Jazz Band! Bid for treasures at our auction, and take a walk in our repositories with a flashlight! Look forward to a Midsummer Night’s chase after Shakespeare heroes and a variety of other programs during the Night of Museums.
A book containing works by major Hungarian novelist Zsigmond Móricz, so far unpublished in a book, will be presented in National Széchényi Library at 5 p.m. on June 15, 2017. We are looking forward to seeing you at the event!
Géza Petrik’s momentous The Bibliography of Hungary 1712-1860 (Budapest 1888-1892), originally of four volumes, now has a new supplement including prints published in Hungary and abroad in Hungarian or partly in Hungarian, between 1701 and 1800.
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