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This is the facsimile of the first hard cover edition of the great historical novel by Géza Gárdonyi, The Eclipse of the Crescent Moon (known as Eclipse of the Crescent Moon since its second, 1905 edition). Our new publication is already available.
Dr. László Boka, Director of Research and Academic Affairs (NSZL) will deliver a lecture entitled Inspiring to read, teaching literature, making culture attractive. Among books in a digital era? at the “New Spaces of Reading – Visegrad Conference 2017”, to be held in Warsaw on May 16-17, 2017.
Presentation of a book by Jidi Majia on May 22. Works of the contemporary poet, who has been awarded numerous Chinese and international prizes, have been translated into several languages, and they were published in nearly thirty countries. The collection of poems published recently by the Hungarian PEN Club is the first independent volume of the contemporary Chinese poet published in Hungarian.
Just like last year, this May too, National Széchényi Library will participate in the so-called Summering of Museums, an event held in the garden of the Hungarian National Museum on May 20 and 21, 2017. During the Summering of Museums, we will present and sell our publications and souvenirs. We will also organize museum educational sessions for children.
Our exhibition on the oeuvre of Mihály Tompa will be opened on May 23, 2017. The exhibition will be opened by literary historian Márton Szilágyi, professor and head of department, Doctor of Science (DSc) of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences.
Our publication entitled Propaganda in World War I by Iván Bertényi Jr. and László Boka received a diploma at the Beautiful Hungarian Book 2016 competition, in the nonfiction category. At the same time, this volume was also granted the József Antall Memorial Award. Graphic design and layout were made by our colleague Judit Vincze.
“Some legends related to Tompa will be denied, and we hope to create new legends about him.”
In Autumn, we will continue our Integrated Library Systems presentation series started in June 2015. On October 21, 2015 Monguz will present its Qulto system in the Ceremonial Hall of NSZL.
On October 21, 2015 Monguz presented its Qulto system in the Ceremonial Hall of National Széchényi Library. Presentations of the professional day can be viewed on our site.
In the framework of our ILS presentation series, on Monday June 15, 2015 @Cult will present its FRBR- and RDA-based integrated library systems (ILS) named OliSuit (formerly dubbed Amicus) and OseeGenius.
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