News, events

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Actor and composer William Kaffenberger recently expressed his gratitude to the management of our Library for the precious help provided to his Béla Lugosi research team by the staff of NSZL’s Special Collections. During the week of 20 through 23 June, 2017, they conducted research on the Hungarian actor Béla Lugosi in the facilities of the Theater History Collection of NSZL.
The 26th Budapest Wine Festival will take place between September 7 and 10, 2017 where you can taste the best wines of Hungary. During these days, you can also visit our exhibition entitled Hungarian Sound Film Posters 1931–1944, which provides a taste of the film history of the early 20th century.
In the autumn of 2017, we will wait for you with programs related to the János Arany Year, including roundtable discussions, exclusive guided tours and presentations.
In August, the number of articles in NSZL’s Electronic Periodicals Archive & Database (Hungarian abbreviation: EPA) reached 500,000! The service is expanding and it continues to be available for free.
Due to film shooting, the entire territory of Lion Court and the Main Entrance of our Library will be closed between 8 a.m. and 10 p.m. on Thursday August 31, 2017. Readers can enter the building at the Staff Entrance.
Season 3 of cultural historical series entitled Orientalists in NSZL will begin in February 2018. Edited by László Tüske, Director-General of NSZL, Arabist, professor of Pázmány Péter Catholic University, the lecture series presenting various fields and results of Hungarian research into the East was launched last year.
24 Carats is an act of play and celebration of contemporary poets who sent poems – greetings, homages, pastiches, paraphrases, ballads – answering the festive announcement of National Széchényi Library to submit works also in the form of manuscripts for our bicentenary exhibition „Others only get their laurels leaf by leaf…” – Treasures, Cult, Reception History.
This volume presents a special genre of Czech turkology, the works related to Islam. These works, although with the characteristics of religious debates, differ from the debates usual between Christian denominations, as their goal is not to convince the other party but to prevent Christians who connect with Turks from converting to Islam.
Just like in previous years, National Széchényi Library will take part in the Hungarian Language and Book Festival. We are waiting for you and your friends with a book sales pavilion, a stage book presentation, and with other programs in the Library building.
As of August 22, 2017, Microfilm Reading Room will serve our readers at a new location, next to the Book Issue Station on Floor 7.
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