News, events

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His Excellency Dr. Vilayat Guliyev, Ambassador of Azerbaijan to Hungary paid a visit to National Széchényi Library on April 25, 2016. The aim of his visit was to present a large national atlas of Azerbaijan published in 2014 to our collection.
Hereby we would like to inform you that National Széchényi Library will be closed on May 10, 11 and 12, 2016. The Library cannot be approached on these days because Lion Courtyard has been let to an international event by estate manager Várgondnokság Közhasznú Nonprofit Kft.
The 6th annual meeting of the librarians of the V4 countries will be held in Brno, capital of Moravia, between May 30 and June 1, 2016. Staff members of National Széchényi Library and the Hungarian Library Institute will also deliver a lecture at the conference.
Milestone in Mikes Kelemen Program: books returned to Hungary are now available on demand. Until March, 2016, 186 cubic meters of library and archival documents, equaling approximately 200,000 items, have been collected at collection sites in the US and Australia. From now on, lists of documents available on demand will be published regularly on our website.
National Széchényi Library will participate in the 23rd International Book Festival Budapest between April 21 and 23, 2016 in Millenáris Park. You can purchase our publications at a discount price at stand 48/b in Building “B” of Millenáris.
Our Library cordially invites you and your friends to the fourth evening of a series of film screenings entitled “Italian-Hungarian heritage”. The event will begin at 5 p.m. on Thursday April 21, 2016. The three films to be presented are the following: Imre Ámos, the Hungarian Chagall, Miracle in Milan and Rome – Zsuzsa Szőnyi and Mátyás Triznya and Attracted by Italy – sculptor Róbert Csíkszentmihályi.
On April 14 and 15, a scientific conference entitled Martinus pauper et dives – St. Martin’s legacy will be held in Budapest and Pannonhalma. Two colleagues of National Széchényi Library also contributed to the realization of the event.
The International Association of Gulag Researchers will hold a conference entitled “Gulag Researchers, 7th District of Budapest, Carpathian Basin – Málenkij robot, remembrance” in National Széchényi Library. Registration is required for those who wish to attend.
Published jointly by NSZL and Kriterion Publishing House, the first two volumes of the Collected Works of Aladár Kuncz were presented in Nagyvárad (Oradea). The books were presented last weekend by the editors of the volume series at a local festival entitled Holnap után (The Day after Tomorrow).
An exhibition entitled “In Plural – Everyday Life of World War I and the Reality of Wartime Days” will be opened in Székesfehérvár at 5 p.m. on April 14, 2016. The exhibition was organized jointly by the Hungarian National Museum and National Széchényi Library.
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