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Finissage of our exhibition entitled Propaganda in World War I will be held on Tuesday April 5, 2016. Miklós Zeidler and Tamás Gusztáv Filep are going to present the catalog of the exhibition, published just recently. Marching songs from the collection of Tamás Cseh will be played, and actress Angéla Császár will also be participating in the event, to be followed by an informal round-table discussion.
Dear Visitors, National Széchényi Library will be closed on Holy Saturday March 26, 2016. Wish you a Happy Easter and we are looking forward to seeing you again from 9 a.m. on Tuesday March 29.
The fourth volume of book series entitled Res Libraria, written by art historian Emese Révész on Hungarian illustrated press between 1850 and 1870, will be presented on April 6, 2016, at 4.30 p.m. in National Széchényi Library.
The first Beautiful Hungarian Map competition dates back to 1996. The aim has been to raise the level of Hungarian map culture and help high-quality maps gain more ground. To achieve this aim, the Department of Cartography and Geoinformatics of Eötvös Lorand University (formerly Lazarus Mapping Foundation) and the Map Collection of NSZL invite entries to win the title of “Beautiful Hungarian Map” each year.
On March 18, 2016, during the morning and afternoon hours, there will be short closures on the route of Szent György Street and in the Lion Courtyard, due to an event held in the Budapest Historical Museum. This will affect pedestrian traffic too, so we recommend you to use the Express Elevator on Palota Street instead.
On Saturday March 12, we are waiting for our readers during the usual opening hours of NSZL. The next time our reading rooms will be opened is Wednesday March 16, 9 a.m. Between March 13 and 15, 2016 our temporary exhibitions will also be closed.
This unique exhibition presents the ties of the Jewish people to the Land of Israel (Eretz Ysrael), to the cradle of Hebrew language, script and Jewish literature. All of the displayed objects depict Hebrew letters and captions, they are related to religious customs and were used in homes or in the synagogue as ceremonial objects.
On the occasion of the 60th anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution of 1956, the website of 1956 Institute – Oral History Archive has been redesigned. We tried to make the site more transparent, the number of downloadable publications increased and up-to-date information is available on staff publications and on the interviews made for Oral History Archive. Also more content is offered in English.
We are proud to present our latest thematic content service: a virtual exhibition almost entirely covering the exhibition entitled Our Pauliner Monks, the White Friars, organized jointly by National Széchényi Library and the Hungarian Pauliner Convent, open in Pécs between October 2014 and February 2015.
The Exhibition of Young Writers was opened on March 8, 2016, at 4 p.m. in National Széchényi Library. At the exhibition, where talented young writers and poets are presented through their works, portraits, CVs, publication lists, visitors also have the opportunity to look at the original manuscripts of young authors.
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