News, events

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On 12 April 2023, we launched the corvina website's enhanced services at a press conference.
The exhibition of Lajos Gulácsy's oeuvre at the Hungarian National Gallery, opening on 7 April 2023, will also include documents from the collections of our library.
On 5 April 5 2023, Dr. Borbála Obrusánszky, Ambassador of Hungary to Ulaanbaatar, on behalf of the NSZÉand with her authorization, signed a cooperation agreement with the National Library of Mongolia at the launch of the volume of Sándor Petőfi's poems in Ulaanbaatar.
On the occasion of the 550th anniversary of the printing of the Chronica Hungarorum, a high-quality facsimile of the work will be available from 27 May 2023.
Director General Dávid Rózsa represented the NSZL at the annual meeting on 30 March 2023.
On 29 March 2023, the conference Advanced Competencies for Users and Librarians. Snapshots of Librarian Education and Library Practice was organized by ELTE.
From 7 to 10 April 2023, the reading rooms and exhibitions of the NSZL will be closed.
On 28 March 2023, the IFLA President had a meeting with Director General Dávid Rózsa and Deputy Director General Judit Gerencsér.
On 27 March 2023, the two institutions signed a cooperation agreement in Esztergom, in the Mihály Babits Memorial House of the Hungarian National Museum, in connection with the joint processing of Babits sources preserved in the NSZL Manuscript Collection.
Petőfi születésének 200. évfordulója alkalmából a költő és felesége, Szendrey Júlia kéziratos hagyatékát tesszük közzé Copia elnevezésű online adatbázisunkban.
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