News, events

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On 13 December 2021, His Excellency Hamid Rezi Nafez Arefi, Ambassador of the Islamic Republic of Iran to Hungary, paid an official introductory visit to our library.
Dear Visitors! On 11 December we are open according to Friday opening hours.
Our colleague in the Web Archiving Department, Márton Németh, attended the Web Archiving Conference in Poland on 16–17 November.  
On the occasion of Hungary's Presidency of the Visegrad Group (V4) countries, the Secretariat of the Minister of State for Culture of the Ministry of Human Capacities organizes a large-scale international conference on 1 and 2 December in order to overview the best practices of cultural institutions during the pandemic and their future opportunities, considering the whole cultural sector.
The 5th annual conference and workshop of EODOPEN project was held online, with the active participation of our colleagues (Dr. Csilla Mezei, Rita Ráczné Radó, Szabolcs Dancs).
A meeting of Austrian and Hungarian researchers was held in Vienna at the Collegium Hungaricum on 18 and 19 November 2021.  
On 3 November 2021, the Turkish Ministry of Culture and Tourism cerelmoniously presented the National Library with a donation of books.
Chamber exhibition by the staff of the Collection of Early Printed Books: visitors can explore the landscapes of the early modern Kingdom of Hungary with the help of selected journey reports by Western European travellers.
The Petőfi Literary Museum and the National Széchényi Library are organising a workshop discussing the topic born digital on the occasion of the Hungarian Science Day on 5 November 2021.
On 23–24 November 2021, the National Széchényi Library is organizing the annual event about archiving web content. The conference and workshop is being organized online via Microsoft Teams, the same way as last year. 
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