Matthias Graduale
Introductory essay and picture explanations written by Zoltánné Soltész
The text of the essay was revised by Ferenc Földesi
Photographs made by József Hapák
Preface written by István Monok
NSZL–Kossuth Publishing House, Budapest, 2007., 204 pages
ISBN 978 963 095 585 0
Tabula Hungariae. Lázár’s map and its versions, Ingolstadt, 1528.
Electronic document
Budapest, OSZK MEK, 2007. DVD-ROM
ISSN 1788-1188
ISBN 978-963-200-532-4
Festetics Codex. The prayer book of Benigna Magyar, wife of Pál Kinizsi
Electronic document
Edited by Balázs Kertész, János Káldos
Budapest, NSZL MEK, 2007. CD-ROM
ISSN 1788-1188
ISBN 978-963-200-528-7
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